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Two weeks.

This sucks.

I'm awaiting my trial, for 'murdering' Rose. I know better. The government takes forever to actually take up my case, so i'm not getting my hopes up.

         In the time I've been here, I've noticed a lot of different things. Because jail is more temporary than prison, there's not a lot of facilities than juvie has. Since juvie is for kids, who need school and more rehabilitation centers so that they can have a more productive life when they get out, it took some time getting used to the stricter schedules that is jail. Stricter meaning I had to wake up early. Early for me is 12pm, but for the officers our day starts at 5am.

        I've made friends. Ha. I've made... I don't know what they are. Acquaintances maybe. There's Snake, and the others two call themselves Mouse and Donkey. Fucking weirdos. They should be in an insane asylum.

        Snake has more pull in the mafia world than I thought. Her dad is one of the leaders of the biggest mafias in Cali. I want to ask her to ask him to look into what the hell happened to me but I can't risk it.

        It could very well be their mafia that decided to take down the remaining Blake family.

Jaxon could be in danger. I shook my head. Nah, he can hold his own.

"Get your ass up. You need to go go to dinner." Officer Martinez, I learned her name, says.

I stood up, stood against the wall with my hands splayed on it, she came in, cuffed me, and took me to the cafeteria.

She let me out of my cuffs at the entrance, and I walked in. I spotted the animals sitting in the dead center of the lunch room. They were the 'it' cliche of this place, and it was a good thing I got in on it. I wouldn't have to constantly be fighting people to show that I am not one to be messed with.

        God I missed Emma.

        Thoughts of her tumbled through my mind, and I desperately locked that part of myself up again.

        You're such a disappointment as a mother, my subconscious spoke.

        God, I know.

        "What's up Scar?" Snake said as she suddenly appeared in front of me, startling me.

        "Hey." I said bluntly as I went to the line to grab my grub.

         She went behind me and also grabbed a plate.

        All the girls, well women, here were here for something. No one was innocent. Unless some crazy ass reason, which of course happened to me.

"How old are you?" Someone asked from behind me.

I slowly turned around and saw an officer. I froze. No. It couldn't be him. No.


Damon POV:

It's my turn to babysit Emma. Jaxon was at work, whatever the hell he does, and Liam is not responsible enough to take care of himself much less a two-year old.

"Daddy, can I get a ice cweam cone?"

We were downtown walking, Emma kept tugging on my arm as she wanted me to swing her around. I smiled, it was something special when a little kid called you their dad.

"Sure sweetie."

Emma squealed and let go of my arm, darting over to the ice cream truck. I sighed. Taking of a two year old wasted more energy than... everything. I don't know how mothers do it.

        I followed after her, taking my wallet out of my sweatpants when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw that it was Liam. Fucker.

"What do you want?" I growled as I brought the phone to my ear, finally making it to the store and seeing Emma telling the worker she wanted a rainbow ice cream.

"Nice to talk to you too buddy. Alright, so I did some digging and I found that Hazel and Olivia didn't have anything to do with the Scar's arrest."

I thought so. Hazel isn't so bad as to do that to someone.

"Ok, is that all?"

"Well yes, but-"

I hung up. Liam and I just aren't at a good place in our friendship right now.

He wants Scar.

He can't have her.

I finally took pity on the worker and lifted Emma into my arms, and she immediately looked down at the buckets of ice cream she couldn't before.

"I want that one Daddy!"

She was pointing at the superman flavor. I looked up at the worker. "Just a cup of that."

Emma pouted, and I sighed. "Kidding, one scoop of that in a sugar cone."

God I'm so spoiling this kid. I don't care though. Isn't it a dad thing, spoiling their kids?

Not like i'm her dad or anything...

When I finally paid and Emma got her ice cream I set her down in a booth and sat across from her. Her cheeks were already full of the ice cream she kept slobbering over. I laughed.

"You got yourself all messy Emma."

She flashed me an adorable grin. "I like ice cream."

God, she looks like her mom alright.

"Where's my mommy?" Emma suddenly asked.

I frowned slightly. "She's on a vacation right now sweetie."

Emma frowned, looking close to tears. "Did she leave me again? I want my mommy!" She started wailing, and I got a lot of looks from all the other people in the store.

I opened my arms and Emma clambered over the table and flung her little body into my arms. "I know kid. I do too."


"Bedtime!" I cried out as I tried to catch E from where she was currently trying to run away from me.

My condo was very spacious and barely had any furniture for her to hide under, so she crouched in a corner and tried to kick her little legs so I wouldn't get close to her.

"No! I wanna watch my pwincesses!"

"Ariel can wait until tomorrow. It's almost ten don't you have a bedtime at eight?"

She smirked. "No."

I gasped. "How dare you lie to me?" I said as I crept up to her and suddenly tickled her.

She squealed and eventually I stopped. "Come on sweetie, let's go to bed."

She nodded and held her hands up to me. I grabbed her and carried her to my room and tucked her into my bed. She fell asleep almost immediately.

I then got a phone call from JJ. I frowned, he almost never calls, only texts.


"Damon?" He whispered. I started walking to my kitchen.

"JJ why do you sound like you're about to cry?"

"Damon, something happened."

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