22 | Mistletoe

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Rain poured from the dark, thundering clouds overhead and onto the street below, almost as if the sky was weeping for Barbara. Even the heavens seemed to know tonight was not a cause for a celebration; it was a time to mourn.

As they made their way into the courthouse, Barbara blinked at the sight in front of her, wondering if they had made a wrong turn somewhere and walked into a cathedral by mistake. But if they had, James didn't seem to notice as he continued into the building, acting as if he knew where he was going. Meanwhile, Barbara followed behind, staring up at the rotunda above them with a mixture of awe and confusion. Awe because this was more like a Roman basilica with its towering cast-iron dome and colorful murals painted inside it. Confusion because this was more like a Roman basilica with its towering cast-iron dome and colorful murals painted inside it.

It made her question if the courthouse was built during the Italian Renaissance and somehow secretly moved across the ocean to Gotham. Because it was unlike any ol' courthouse she'd ever been in.

Coming to a stop in the middle of the black-and-white tile floor, Barbara angled her head to get a better view of the dome. From what she could see of the murals, they depicted different men and women throughout the years, as well as important events from Gotham's history. A Norwegian captain first setting foot on the land, the British eventually taking over the city, a major battle during the American Revolution, and some of the city's founding families constructing three bridges called the Gates of Gotham.

Since Barbara was not an art aficionado, none of this would have been particularly interesting if not for one specific portrait that caught her eye. It was of a man who bore a striking resemblance to Bruce, and if it weren't for the dark mustache or dull blue eyes, she would've thought it was him.

"Hey! Whatcha' standing around for?" Harleen came up from behind, drawing Barbara's attention away from the portrait's stony gaze. "The wedding's about to start! I just put the finishing touches on Red and—"

"Great," Barbara muttered. "Let's just get this over with."

"Don't cha just love my dress?" Harleen twirled her red and black sequined dress, the one she vowed she'd find.

"Uh, yeah?" Truth be told, Harleen did look a lot better with her hair parted down. And the black choker around her neck was actually pretty badass and not at all like a collar fitted over a dog. But now was not the time to start squealing over the latest fashion trends.

Fixing her eyes ahead on the muted white courtroom, Barbara rolled herself through the open doors. So far, only her dad and the judge were there even though she knew they had invited way more people than that. However, a small, cruel part of Barbara hoped no one would show up just to prove what a sham this wedding was. The other, more rational part of her hoped they wouldn't come for much different reasons.

"Where is everyone?" Harleen voiced Barbara's exact thoughts as they took their seats in the back. Because of course, this old place would only have its wheelchair accessible space in the back.

"Hopefully, not coming." Barbara folded her arms across her chest as Harleen locked her wheelchair in place.

But it seemed she spoke too soon. Almost immediately after she said that, guests began to pour in, making their way across the checkered tile floor and towards the row of chairs behind the wooden railing.

Watching as the guests took their seats, Barbara searched for the inevitable figure of Bruce Wayne. She hated that she recognized these overdressed people since the majority, if not all, were her father's friends. Oh, look, it was Gotham District Attorney, Harvey Dent. Oh, wow, could that be Dr. Thomas Elliot? And who would've thought the mayor would show up for the police commissioner's wedding?

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