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After convincing Mrs. Kringle to lend her the newspaper, promising she would bring it back first thing in the morning, Barbara left the library and started for Wayne Tower. With its ominous neon W shining down on her like an ever-watchful eye, Barbara crossed the street, pushing past the wind threatening to tear the newspaper from her grasp. Fearing it would be carried alongside the autumn leaves, Barbara tucked the newspaper into her jacket and continued forward.

From above, a mass of menacing clouds had gathered across the evening sky, rattling the tower to its core with every crackle of thunder. But not even the fierce wind whipping Barbara's hair around or the sudden downpour of icy rain could match the rage swirling inside her. A storm was coming, and it was heading right for Wayne Tower.

Flinging the glass door back, Barbara rolled inside the pristine lobby, leaving a wet trail behind her. With her hair a sopping mess and mascara running down her cheeks, Barbara imagined she must have looked like the walking dead by how the secretary startled back in her chair, dropping her nail filer with a gasp.

"I need to speak to Richard," she demanded before the woman even had a chance to open her mouth.

The woman, who Barbara was ninety percent sure was named Selina, cleared her throat and frowned. "He's not here right now."

"Then where is he?" Barbara asked through gritted teeth.

Selina picked her nail filer back up and shrugged. "Who knows?"

Oh, the nerve of this woman. Well, whatever. There was more than one way to skin a cat. "Then let me speak to Bruce."

"He's busy at the moment." Selina barely even glanced at Barbara as she continued filing her razor-sharp nails.

"Then I'll wait here until he's not." Barbara arched her eyebrow, unable to stop the smirk spreading over her lips. "My babysitter is still out shopping and probably forgot about me anyway, so there's no rush."

Selina paused, narrowing her eyes at Barbara. "Did I say busy? What I meant to say was that you just missed him. He's gone home for the day."

"Bullshit!" Barbara slammed her fist on the desk, nearly cracking the glass surface. "I know he's here!"

"I'm sorry, but unless you have an appointment—Hey! You can't go that way!"

"Don't worry, he's expecting me!" Barbara called out as she glided down the hall towards the elevator. Hearing Selina's stilettos click against the tile after her only propelled Barbara forward, pushing her closer to that pair of shiny metallic doors in the corner. But even with impossibly high heels, Selina was quickly catching up. If Barbara didn't round the corner in the next few seconds, then she never would. She was nearly there. She just had to turn this corner and press the button...

"You!" Barbara skidded to an abrupt stop just in time to avoid crashing into the man who had stepped out of the elevator. Selina, on the other hand, was not so lucky.

Tripping over herself and her oversized heels, Selina tumbled headfirst into the back of Barbara's wheelchair with a loud bang. If she wouldn't have been chasing her like a killer out of a horror film, Barbara might have actually felt sorry for the secretary. It sure sounded painful if her groans were anything to go by.

"Ms. Kyle, are you all right?" Bruce stepped around the wheelchair and glanced down at his secretary sprawled out over the floor.

"Yes!" Selina sprung to her feet so quickly, Barbara thought she might fall back over. As she brushed herself off, Barbara did not fail to notice the sleeve of her blouse creep up, exposing the black skull tattooed on her skin. 

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