Fifty Four

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3 months later

They tried to keep me in the hospital but I refused, I told them if I've got only a month left what the point. I'd rather be in my home than be in a hospital room.

Any day.

Any day now and I'm gone.

I'm in pain all of the time and at this point I just want to go.

The pain is excruciating, it's constant.

I can't sleep, I'm not hungry, I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

I've asked everyone to come to see me today, I need to say goodbye to everyone before I can't.

"Hey you wanted to see us?" Ellie asks walking in

"Yeah" i say and they sir down on the edge of my bed

"I just want to say thank you" i tell them

"For what?" Bella asks

"Giving me some lifelong friends, creating memories. I never really had proper friends before you guys came along and I'm so grateful that you're in my life" I tell them and Freya starts crying

"Don't cry please, cause I've got to hold it together for everyone else I have to talk to" i say and they chuckle lightly

"Ellie" I ask and she looks at me

"I'm going to ask you to be patient with Jordan, he's stubborn and I'm afraid he'll act out" i tell her and she nods

"Don't worry, I'll look after him" she says and i nod

"I love you girls so much" I say and they all hug me

"We love you too"

"Hi Holls" Ryder says walking into the room with Ace, Issac, Raymond and Kelly

"I just wanted to talk to you guys because, you guys have been like my second family" I say and Kelly starts crying.

"Now I hope you all, are going to be strong for Finn" I tell them and they nod

"I can see it now, he's going to act out, lash out and I need you to not give up on him because as much as he's pushing away his feelings to be strong for me, it's only a matter of time before he breaks" I tell them and they nod

"Ryder, Ace, Issac i hope you guys do well for yourselves, go to college. Get a good job, meet someone nice. I want you guys to be happy because your like family to me, your my brothers" I say and they start crying

"I love you all, your my family whether you like it or not" i say and they all give me a smile

"We love you too"

"Hey honey how are you feeling?" My mom asks me and I shrug

"I need to talk to you both" I tell them and they look at each other before sitting down on my bed

"Now, any day now I'm not going to be here anymore" I say and my mom starts crying

"Now, I want you to not grieve over me for too long. I know that's hard because I'm your daughter but I need you to know that I could have not have a better life. You two, are the best parents in the entire world and I'm so glad that you raised me to be who I am today" I say gripping their hands

"Now, please don't argue once I'm gone. Don't get ratty, talk to each other because the last thing this family needs is a divorce and you two need to be strong and not fail. I love you two more than anything in the world and I'm so happy that you have given me life I've always wanted" i tell them and they are both crying

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