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We walk into a little diner, the interior is filled with the 80s aesthetic nuances, red booths, LED lighting, posters of icons like Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and im in love with it. I've always seen them in the movies but I've never been one.

I gently guide Emily who's about to walk into a table as her eyes are glued to my phone as she is currently playing crossyroad, apparently 'it's her favourite because it's the only thing she can do'. I have a little folder on my phone called 'Emily's arcade' and have the same for Oscar too.

I look around and see a lot of teenagers taking up the red booths that are rapped around the outskirts of the diner. I look to my right to see four heads that look very familiar, I shrug it off. Why would they be here. The only friends I had when I'm young, I've never had proper friends since and I'm that friend deprived I'm imagining they are actually here.

It's sad.

Im sad.

I was too busy looking around to notice that a girl was taking us to our seats so I quickly speed walk after my family that have left me deserted by the entrance.

"Hi my name is Ellie, if you need anything I'll be either walking around or by the till. Here is a specials menu, then the normal and kids menus" she says handing them out to us.

"is there any drinks I can get you whilst you look at the menu?" she asks

"yeah I'll have a coffee" my mom says

"diet coke, please" I say and she smiles at me

She looks about my age actually, she has blonde hair and her blue eyes shine in the light. Hang on a second that is Jordan's type.

Or Hitlers type.

I can't help but chuckle to myself... Out loud.

"Will you stop being so strange?" Emily asks, "what are you laughing at?"

"I just thought about something" I say and she rolls her eyes at me.

The sass of this little girl.

"I'll have a lemonade" Jordan tells her making eye contact with her and he brushes his hair back.

I'm trying my hardest not to laugh right now, including Emily and Oscar and Jordan's pathetic low-key attempt at flirting.

"These two will just have orange juice" I say and she nods writing it down

"I'll be back in a few" she says before walking away

I look at my mom and she has the same amused expression I have on.

"so you excited to go back to school?" my dad asks, skipping over Jordan's pathetic attempt to 'get the ladies'

I scoff "no not really, I'm glad I get some other human interaction though"

"I've told the school about your recovery" my mom says


"I know you want to keep it a secret so I've asked the school not to mention anything that involves the c word in your classes or in public" she tells me

I let out a sigh of relief.

"thank you!" I say

"why don't you want people to know" Oscar pipes up from beside my dad

"because people will treat me differently" I say and he nods

"Fair enough" he says and I chuckle

"I'm going to go to the toilet" I say

The girl with secrets Where stories live. Discover now