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Daniel Adams

"You failed to protect her!"

Elena cried as she tugged on my collars, jerking my body towards her. I could see the pain on her face, in her voice.

"What if something happens to her? How will I forgive myself? How will I survive? What will I answer to her father? What if he has already seen the news? Oh god, he'll never forgive me." She rambled in fear, moving her fingers through the locks of her hair.

"Hey, hey, Elena." I grabbed her hands. "Trust me, nothing will happen to Eloise, okay? Your daughter is safe now. And no one knows that it was Eloise in Rick's hotel and no one will get the hold of this news, I promise you." I said sincerely.

Her face softened but her sobs increased and all of a sudden she started crying in guilt. "Only if I hadn't done that! It's all my fault, my daughter is suffering because of me. I had no idea what I was doing to my own daughter. Neither I could become a good mother nor a wife. What have I done? I have always made the worst decisions in my life."

I embraced her in my arms and rubbed her back in a soothing manner. Though she had done wrong to her family and have neglected them, she knew she was wrong and was repenting. I couldn't be upset with her because everyone deserves a second chance, she deserved a second chance.

"Thank you for being with her. I don't even want to imagine the scenario that could have happened if you hadn't been on time."

Though she was praising me for being with Eloise, her statement hit me hard. My heart clenched at the thought of ... What if? My mind itself drove to the scenario that had happened years ago. Only if had visited my parents on time, they would have been alive today. And what if I hadn't been on time to save Eloise? She wouldn't have been in this situation if I had reached home early.

I didn't know what happened to me but I couldn't think straight. Tears of guilt made their way in the back of my eyes. I distanced myself from Elena and without uttering a word I dashed in the opposite direction and taking a sharp into the corridor, I supported my body against the wall. I closed my eyes tightly in order to stop my tears from falling but I had no idea that it wouldn't help. A stray of tear rolled down my cheek and the pain in my chest intensified.

I shouldn't have been comparing the two situations but I couldn't help it. Everything was racing in my head on its own. I lost my family just because of me and my busy schedule. What busy schedule? I should have given time to them. I shouldn't have allowed them to take the step to fly across the country to meet me.

My already disheveled hair became more untidy as I madly ran my fingers through my hair in order to stop the thoughts that were running on repeat mode. I had my eyes closed and had been controlling my tears but when I felt the presence of someone near me, I broke down because I knew only they could understand me.

"Daniel." Their worried voice forced me to open my eyes and in the next second, the two bodies enveloped me into a strong brotherly embrace.

I couldn't hold my emotions. "What if I was late? What if something had happened to her if I hadn't been on time? I lost my family just because of this fucking timing. If only I had visited them earlier..."

"Stop it, Daniel," Xavier said sternly, detaching himself from me. "Do not dwell in the past. Whatever happened wasn't your fault. Nothing was in your hand so do not blame yourself for anything."

"And in this situation too, you are not at fault," Sean said firmly. "Don't think of what-ifs. Be thankful that you were on time, you saved her. Don't be hard on yourself."

"But I did fail to protect her. I had promised her mother and myself that I would protect her at any cost but see here she is now, on the hospital bed." I muttered lowly.

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