30 | failure of a mother

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"I hate you, Mom."

this chapter contains
physical and verbal abuse from a parent

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WALKING AWAY FROM the argument against her best friends was the best thing that Delilah could've done before anything worse could risk being said — not like it would. The girl proceeded to walk the whole way home, just to make a point about how she wants to be left alone. Her legs are aching with exhaustion from the long trek, but was slightly confused on how she didn't see JJ along the way.

Delilah fumbles around at the front door as she searches for the key that she usually hides beneath a dying rose bush. But it cannot be found and causes her brows to furrow together in confusion, unable to think of a reasoning as to why. She reaches out for the door handle and twists it to see that it's already been unlocked. Then, she cautiously enters through the doorway, making sure to keep her guard up for any intruders that may be inside.

However, the teenager freezes as her eyes rest on someone she wasn't expecting to see after everything that's happened today. The 'intruder' is in fact her own mother, only catching her by surprise because she wasn't informed about the arrival. The brown haired woman is sitting upon the old couch with a bottle of wine clutched at hand. Most of the contents of the alcoholic liquid has already been indulged. But instead of feeling happy to see her only family, the girl is both confused and angry.

"Mom?" Delilah calls.

"Delilah." Her mother, Julie, greets.

"What are you doing here?" Delilah asks, a hint of venom peaking through her voice.

"I got told that you know now." Julie says as she rises to her feet.

"Know what? That you've been lying for all of my teenage years? That you claimed to be getting money for us but instead was using what little of what we have to buy drugs?" Delilah fires back. "Yeah, I found out."

"I'm sorry." Julie apologises.

Immediately after saying that, the mother lifts the bottle up to her lips and takes another swig from it. This only proves to the redhead that she doesn't mean that apology, and never will.

"When pigs fly." Delilah mutters.

"What did you say?" Julie asks, her voice becoming slightly raised.

"My friends have been helping me ever since you chose to give up caring for your only child. They've been helping me survive without you or Dad in my life. I've learnt something much more about the meaning of family around them than you." Delilah states, tears welling up her eyes. "Don't try to come back and act like you're changing because you're not."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now