Chapter |40| Getting Ready

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G A B I ' S P.O.V

"Yeah, she's getting better. The Doctor said just a few more days. No, she's still not awake. I'm getting worried. Yeah, that's true. She's strong of course she will. Yeah, no. Wait, really? You think you've got it? Okay, carry on looking. I'm coming to help." My eyes fluttered open, expecting to find myself wrapped in the cozy blankets of mine and Ryder's bed, but instead I'm still in the hospital.

I don't how long has passed by but I do know that my baby has been with Sergio for way too long. Ryder's phone call was a wake up message. What was I doing? Curled up in bed resting, whilst my baby is suffering with that mad man.

No, I need to help. I need to find him, otherwise I'll go crazy.

"Ryder," I managed to squeak out. His head shoots up and concern washes over his face. He rushes over to my side and immediately places his hand on my soft cheek.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you need the Doctor?" So many questions leave his mouth, that I don't even know what answer first. Despite feeling a little sore, my body was overall fine and I just wanted to get to work looking for Kieron.

"I'm fine Ryder. Just help me up." Hesitating he simply stands there, my hands in his, but once I start moving on my own, he snaps out it.

"What are you doing?" He asks, despite knowing the answer. I pull off my hospital gown and throw on a simple black shirt, light blue jeans and a pair of white trainers. I pile my hair into a messy bun and then walk into the bathroom, to splash some cold water on my face.

I look like a complete wreck. Greasy hair, that hasn't been washed for ages, dark rings circling my eyes, excess body weight from the pregnancy. At least when I huge, I could blame it on the baby but now I just feel like a walking blob of fat. I don't knew why Sergio, or even Ryder wants me.

"Gorgeous, what are you doing?" His voice is tense, like he already knows he's going to hate the answer I'm gonna give him.

"You know what I'm doing." I focus on packing everything back into my hospital bag, but Ryder is quick to take out everything I'm putting in.

"Ryder stop! I can't just lay here and be useless. I want to help. I want to find out son, and you can't help either if all you're doing is sitting beside me. He needs us, both of us. I'm helping Ryder, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." With that he stops unpacking and just freezes. I push past him to retrieve the items he took out and put them back in the bag.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I failed you. I failed him." Arms encircle my waist and he nuzzles my neck. My hand delves into his soft hair, that's a little longer than I like, and I press a kiss onto his temple.

"No you didn't. Sergio is crazy, he's a lunatic. The only way we're going to fail Kieron is if we give up trying to find him, which will never happen. I want to help Ryder, and I know you want to as well. Come on, let's find out baby together." He gives me a nod and sad smile that brings literal tears to my eyes.

"I love you." He whispers, and I feel my breathe hitch in my throat. It's been too long since I've heard those words.

"I love you too." I say with absolutely no doubt or hesitation. He's my love. My only love.

Slinging my bag over his shoulder, he grabs ahold of my hand and we walk towards the main exit. "Wait, you need to sign these forms!" I hear a woman shouting out, behind us, but we both ignore her and climb into the black Range Rover waiting for us.

The minute we get back to the house, we get emerged into all the chaos. The place is a complete mess. Papers and files are scattered everywhere, more than fifty men are either on the phone, a lap top or reloading guns with ammo.

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