Chapter 27

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

Also, once again sorry for updating late but I've been lazy lol. Also, I'll probably go back and edit some of the chapters once this is posted so be prepared for random notifications lol.

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Some soulmates don't feel the double heartbeats, but instead make the connection with just their eyes or sometimes by touching them.


   The next day, you and Jimin were forced to get up early. Bangtan had a rehearsal for their concert the next day, which would most likely take all day. You didn't have to come, but you wanted to.

   So, once dressed, you and Jimin sped downstairs to the lobby before everyone else and got whatever you wanted, including extra bacon, pancakes, and cereal.

   Around five to ten minutes later, when yours and Jimin's plates were cleared, the rest of BTS and the staff members came down to eat. You and Jimin were just chilling on your phones, waiting for them to hurry up.

   "Jimin, aren't you going to eat?" asks Jin. Jimin looks up from his phone.

   "We already did, hyung," he replies. Jin nods his head before joining the breakfast line.

   "Chimmy, how long do these rehearsals usually last?" you ask boredly.

   "It depends, usually around three or four hours though. Afterwards, we'll go eat lunch and then have free time for the rest of the day."

   "Ooh! Can we go explore Tokyo after? I've never been here before!" you beg, eyes sparkling.

   "Of course, baby," Jimin laughs. You squeal and run around the table to Jimin, bouncing into his lap. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his chest. Jimin chuckles before kissing your hair and continuing to play on his phone, his arms holding you in place.

   Once everyone's done eating, you all pile into the different work vans and head straight to the venue, where some eager fans were already camping at. You smile at their dedicancy, but cringe at how uncomfortable they probably were.

   The vans continue their trek to the back of the venue and you all quickly walk in, hoping to avoid the watchful eyes of ARMY. You in particular keep a strong grip on Jimin's bicep, not liking the attention you were most likely getting.

   "I'm going to lay down on the couch and take a nap," you tell Jimin once you're in the designated spot.

   "That's okay, baby, I want you to be comfortable. But make sure to keep one eye open; now that our secret's out, people might try to take advantage of you." You nod before curling into a fetal position and falling asleep.

   Meanwhile, with Jimin, he noticed that a lot of the employees were keeping their distance from him. They'd give him dirty and disgusted looks and gossiped about him. Jimin didn't even have his ears and tail out, but they were still treating him the he was the plague.

   Jimin blinked back tears. At time like these, Jimin was completely and utterly ashamed to be a hybrid. If he was like everyone else, like the humans, he'd still be playing Overwatch with Jungkook, laying on the couch with Yoongi as he slept.

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