Chapter 20

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

There are rare occurrences where people knew who their soulmate was as soon as they met them. Usually people meet them between the age of 21-27.


   A couple of hours later, you and Jimin were in your apartment, packing your things for your stay at his dorm. Jimin was packing your clothes while you were gathering your bathroom necessities.

   "Y/N!" Jimin calls. "Are you ready? I've finished all of your packing." He trots over to your bathroom and pokes his head into the doorway. "Yes. Let's go!" You grab Jimin's hand and bound straight to the front door. You suddenly stop and turn around to face your boyfriend.

   "Want to run?" You wiggle your eyebrows.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" he asks with confusion written all over his face.

   "Come with me," you smirk. Jimin raises an eyebrow but follows you anyway after hiding his ears and tail, holding your suitcase.

   "Give me the suitcase," you tell Jimin once you're both outside.

   "What? Why?" You roll your eyes and take the suitcase out of Jimin's hand.

   "Hop on my back."

   "Why?" Jimin asks again.


   "Okay! Okay, gosh." You turn around and crouch down. Jimin reluctantly climbs onto your back and wraps his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist. You stan up and turn your head, placing a quick peck on Jimin's cheekbone.

   "Hold on tight!" you yell excitedly.

   "Huh? What are you-- WHOA!" You take off running at a high velocity, still holding on tightly to your suitcase. You were a blur; anyone you passed only felt a gust of wind. Cars were snails; they didn't prepare to your speed.

   "WOOOHOOOO!" Jimin screams into the the sky from your back. You smile happily and pick up your speed.

   "Jimin! Where's your dorm?" you call after some time of running. "Keep going straight, then take five lefts!" Jimin yells. You follow his directions until you're right outside of the dorm building. You had ran straight through security; they hadn't even seen you.

   "We're here!" you say in a singsong voice. Jimin hops off of your back and stumbles in front of you. His eyes were darting everywhere like they do in those cartoons when they're dizzy.

   "That was so awesome, Y/N!" Jimin exclaims. You smile and grab his hand with your free one, pulling him inside.

   "Is that your form of transportation? I've noticed that you don't have a car," Jimin says.

   "Yeah," you reply, "I just run everywhere. I call an Uber if the place I'm going is far." Jimin nods and drags you up the stairs to his room. He had lucked out; he was the only member that didn't have to share.

   Once Jimin closes the door, you toss your suitcase to the side and flop onto Jimin's bed, releasing your ears and tail.

   "I'm tired. Today was hectic," you mumble into his pillow.

   "Same." Jimin climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer so that he was spooning you. You purr in contentment and turn around, snuggling more into his chest. Jimin begins scratching behind your ears, causing you to purr even louder and your tail to thump wildly. Your soulmate laughs quietly and stops scratching your ears, causing you to whine at the loss of contact.

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