🎵🥁~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛~🥁🎵

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Pov: Narrator

Y/N hopped out of the van and ran around to the other side. She opened the driver's side door for Rodrick.

"Milady, " she said with a little bow.

"What are you a fucking simp?" Rodrick laughed. He gave Y/N a little shove*. She lost her balance and fell with her ass on the pavement.

"Wow this is bullying I'm gonna go put your name in the bully box by the office, " she joked. Rodrick held out his hand and helped her up. 'Her hands were really soft, is that creepy?' He thought to himself as they walked inside the building.

They were already late so they decided to take their time getting to homeroom. "I guess I'll see you at lunch, " Rodrick said as they went their separate ways.

"Yeah, see you then," Y/N waved and walked to her locker which was 2 halls down from Rodricks. She put up her backpack and grabbed her math book because it was her first class after homeroom.

She walked into the classroom to find a note on her desk. It was initialed 'H.H.'. She immediately groaned.

Authors Note:

When she opened it the note read.

"I heard you were friends with Rodrick, Mind telling him he's hot for me? XOXO Heather"

Y/N simultaneously laughs and tries not to puke. 'As if Rodrick would even talk to someone like her' She thought to her self while crumbling the note into her pocket.

Heather looked at her from her seat in the front. Y/N gave her a dirty look. Heather smiled in a 'Regina George' kinda way and turned back around. Y/N had always hated Heather but would never tell anyone why.

The rest of the periods flew by until before she knew it, it was lunch. She found Rodrick and Ben (lead vocalist and guitarist) in the hallway. "Hey guys, you ready to eat some questionable food!" Y/N said cheerfully.

"Hell yeah!" Ben shouted back "If I get sick and die because of the school food then my parents can sue and get rich!"

"That's the spirit!" Rodrick cheered. They walked into the cafeteria and waited in the line.

"Mmm it's the good mush today, " Y/N said sarcastically. They got their trays and sat down at their usual table by the window.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Rodrick, " Y/N said getting his attention. He looked over in suspense "Someone gave me a note that said they wanted me to tell you they think you're 'hot'" She said in air quotes and laughed.

"Who?!" He said rushing for her to tell him.

"Yeah who? I want to know so I can book them an eye appointment, " Ben joked. Rodrick elbowed him.

"Two words boys, " She paused putting them in even more suspense "Heather...Hills, "

"HEATHER HILLS?!?!" Ben busted out laughing while Rodrick sat there looking shocked. "There is no fucking way that the Heather Hills likes Rodrick. It's just not a thing that can happen."

Rodrick elbowed him a little harder. "Why can't it?" He said offended. After he said that the table went quiet. After a minute Y/N spoke up.

"Rodrick, " She said gently. "Girls like her don't go for guys like you, I don't want you to get hurt like I-, some other people have, "

Rodrick slammed his hand on the table "But what if she's different than 'girls like her'! What if she does like me! Am I just supposed to reject her?" He shouted. "Why do you think you have any say in what I do?!"

"Rodrick, Dude, " Ben said in an empathetic tone. Y/N cut him off.

"Do what you want but I know I'm right! She's a horrible person who uses people and then breaks their hearts! If you want to be an idiot like always be my guest but don't come crying to me when you get hurt, " Y/N raised her voice and stormed off. She ran to her locker and stood there until the bell rang, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her, even though they already had.

Back at the lunch table

"Should we go after her?" Ben asked worriedly. Rodrick stayed silent. He was furious and stunned. Y/N hadn't yelled at him like that ever. It wasn't like her but Rodrick wasn't concerned with her right now. He had to calm down.

"Why does no one think I have a chance, What's wrong with me? Why can't I go out with Heather?" He muttered putting his forehead on the table "Or any girl for that matter. You guys don't think I can do anything, do you? " He crossed his arms on the table and put his head down.

"Rodrick, I don't think that and I'm sure Y/N doesn't either. I'm not sure what that was. I think we touched a nerve or something, " Ben quietly laughed but then got serious again "You're not stupid for liking a hot girl. If I were in your position I would be at Heather's feet right now, but Y/N's right. Heather really isn't the girl for you, "

Rodrick sat up and Ben continued "Seriously, you don't need Heather your doing just fine. She would just drag you down, Pretty girls can't handle the rock and roll lifestyle."

"I guess, I'm sorry I got so heated, " Rodrick said softly. He couldn't help but still be sad. He thought he had a chance. "Thanks for the not-so-peppy pep talk,"

"No problem, bros before hoes!" Ben said cheerfully putting his hand up for a high five.

"'Hoes' is kind of a misogynistic word but okay" He quickly said before high fiving him back.

"Holy shit..." Ben said staring Rodrick in the eyes for a little too long.

"What?" Rodrick asked confused

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON A FEMINIST!" Ben said excitedly.

"What? Dude, I don't have a crush on anyone right now, " Rodrick dismissed

"Yes you do, a week ago you couldn't care less about misogyny, " Ben said loudly

"What if I'm just a feminist?!" Rodrick asked defensively.

"Yeah right! The only possibility is that you have a crush and I'm gonna find out who it is by the end of the week! If it even takes that long!" He started jumping in his seat. Rodrick shoved him and he fell on the ground.

"Sorry dude, that happened earlier today with Y/N, " Rodrick froze "Oh shit, I should probably go talk to Y/N, " he got up out of his seat to find her but the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the cafeteria trampling everything in their path.

"I think you'll have to wait a second, " Ben said sarcastically.

*god I wish that were me

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