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Xavier's POV-

Today was very hectic but it was good too. I had a fight, which I didn't want. I saved a girl from getting bullied. Anna got angry with me. But after all this, she hugged me. I was so happy.

The worst part was, that Kate girl. Why did she take Anna's number? I'll be secondary to Anna now.

I chat with Anna for some time. There also that which came in between. I have to do something about this girl. Why had I even saved her? But I could not let her get hurt for no reason.


I was waiting for my dad. I had so much to tell him. Anna is going to lose anything to those bugs, whom she calls her family.

My dad came in the evening. I was the first to greet him. He said he has something very important to discuss with me. I had a feeling that it is about Anna's matter.

We decided to have the talk after dinner. After dinner, I went into my father's study room, in our house. He was doing something on his laptop. I knocked on the door and entered.

These days my father is teaching me all about his business, so I know my way around his study. He doesn't stop me looking for something in this room anymore.

He told me to sit. He was very serious. That means the news is not good.

"As you asked me for a favor, I did some investigation. You were right. Her family is taking out the companies money and transferring them to their personal accounts. They are showing to the shareholders like they have been having losses for years. The company has not launched any new product in years. It's almost at the point of bankruptcy. That's just what is shown from out to the world. I investigated it. They are going to sell this company, soon. They are saving all money in some unknown account so that the shareholders can't have any share in it. After some time they will buy another company."  My father revealed such news.

"But, how? They have been doing this for years. Then how could the board members didn't know about this?" I asked. It's confusing.

"They took the board members in their confidence. Not a single member has come to the company in a year. They showed them forged documents and contracts. They had so much trust in the previous owners of the company that they believed that the owner will be the same. That's why after losses for years they still believe in them. But today I told my secretary to send all the original documents to all the shareholders"

"Dad, how did you get the original documents? And is it not illegal to do this? How did you know so much about this company?"

"You know buddy, I have my sources to get information like this. And for your other questions, I am a shareholder of that company too. When you asked me yesterday, I also got interested in it because of this reason. I always had this feeling towards these people. I personally knew the previous owners. They were good people. They were so determined to increase their business so I was happy to invest, but for some years it started to get down. I thought that in some years it will increase again because the business has ups and downs all the time. But when I investigated, I found this out."

We had their share. This I didn't know.

"So what will happen now? How they can be stopped? I won't let them hurt her or take anything from her." I don't know what exactly to do next.

"You don't have to do anything. You just take care that your friend does not sign any paper. From my information, they will try to make her sign the power of attorney soon. When will she be 18? Usually these procedures by that age." My dad asked.

"She told me that her aunt said that her father left the company to her aunt. She just has to sign a paper on her 18 birthday. They are lying to her."

I am so worried about her. They are lying to her from the start. Why the f*** is she so innocent?

"Dad, I'm going to my room now," I said and left the study room.

As I entered my room my phone went off. Anna was calling me.

"I'm so so so happy. You know, my aunt said that she loves me. She hugged me. She even cried for me. I think I was wrong about them." She said.

I was very confused. Why would she do that? What I found today, she..... Oh no! She is planning to trap her again.  She is doing this so that Anna will stay on their side, even after she finds out about the company. Should I tell her the truth?

"Xavier. Are you there?" She asked. That brought me back to reality.

"Yes," I replied. I don't know what else to say.

"Then what happened? Why are you not saying anything?" She asked. Her happiness can be heard on the phone.

"I just thought, you should not raise your expectations." I tried to make her understand but that was of no use.

"Why would you say that? She is my aunt, she can love me. I am not that unlovable." She said.

She is very hurt. I can feel that. I didn't mean what she is thinking.

"No princess, I'm not saying that. You are the most lovable person. But you think yourself, why would she suddenly start acting like this?" I replied. I don't want her to misunderstand me.

How could I tell her that what she thinking is love, is actually is a trap. They are backstabbing her.

I have to do something. I can't let her get hurt anymore. With that, we hung up. She didn't say anything else.

Tomorrow I will talk to her clearly. She needs to understand.

With a promise to myself, I went to bed.


Hello, lovelies.
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
See you in the next chapter soon.

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