Chapter -34

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Xavier's POV

I tried to open my eyes. My head was feeling heavy. I felt darkness everywhere near me.

When I opened my eyes I found myself nowhere. I was surrounded by darkness only. By the tiredness that I was feeling I guessed that I must be walking for a long distance.

I just keep on walking without thinking of the direction where I was going.

'Anna' I suddenly think of her.

'Yes, Xavier.' Someone replied. I turned to look and saw her behind me.

She gave me her lovely smile.

Thank god she is here with me. I whispered.

'Xavier... Xavier... Xavier, please take my hand. Xavier, come to me. Please, don't let me go.' She was begging me to hold on to her. I tried to grab her but she vanished.

'Anna...Anna...ANNA' I couldn't breathe because of the force I put in screaming her name.

I felt like I fell into the water. My lungs were filled with water. I was throwing my arms and legs everywhere to get out of it.

With all of my strength, I tried for the last time to get out of here.

I had to get out of here, Anna needs me. I don't know if she got the help. I feel like she is in some kind of problem. I don't remember why I am here.

Please Anna wait for me.





What the hell is this noise? Why the f**k my head is aching so much?

Anna... She is in the problem.

I looked up to see where I was. Now I was sitting on a bed in a white room.



I looked towards the noise. It was a monitoring machine.

I am in a hospital? But why?

I tried to recall the last thing I remember. Then it all comes rushing into my head.

'Anna's kidnapping, board meeting, I took her home, Rose got crazy, she attacked Anna.'

Oh no Anna, where is she I looked desperately here and there. I heard people rushed out of my room.

I heard someone enter my room. It was my mom and dad.

"Oh! My boy. You are awake. How are you? Are you hurting anywhere?  Doctors will be here soon." My mom cried.

"You gave us a shock champ. Your mother was very worried." My dad said.

"Dad Anna?" I asked my dad.

They both went quiet. Terror gripped my heart. My heart started to beat out of rhythm.

"She is fine dear. She is in the next room." My dad replied in hurry.

"Why are you behaving so suspicious? What happened? She is alright, right?" I confirmed again.

"Yes, dear. Doctors said she is absolutely fine but she didn't wake up yet." My mom answered.

"But she..." Just then doctor entered the room.

"Hello Mr. Xavier, how are you feeling? How is your head?" He asked.

"Doctor, how is Anna? Did she get treatment on time? I was not able to help her." I asked the doctor, refusing to answer before getting my answers.

"She is fine. She will wake up soon. She didn't have a deep wound like you." The doctor answered me.

"Then why the hell she has not wike up yet?" I asked again.

Is this stupid doctor doing his job correctly?

"She must be feeling fatigued. It seemed she was not sleeping and eating well for few days. So she is all healed up but just sleeping to recover from her fatigue." I doctor explained.

Now that was the answer that could satisfy me.

"I want to see her right now." 8 said.

"Now, Mr. Hero. I gave you your answers. Now you will listen to me only. Let me check over you. Then you are free to do whatever you want. I will send a wheelchair for you if you want. Okay, now tell me how are you feeling?" He asked.

"My head is feeling heavy. I am not hurt anywhere else." I replied.

"Only your head is hurting and nothing else." He confirmed.

"My head is not hurting it is just feeling heavy." I corrected him.

"That must be because you were unconscious for two days." Doctors.

"She had not woke up in two days. Is she really okay?" I asked worriedly.

"She must be your girlfriend. Anyway, don't worry. She is absolutely fine. I do check her regularly." Doctor replied.

I don't know what to say, I am just worried about her. I could not help her.

Doctor left. My dad left with him.

"I know you are worried about her but dear doctors are taking care of her. I warch over her every moment. Trust me. She really is fine. She is just sleeping. You know what she went through. She just needs her rest. So don't worry." My mom calmed me down. Only she could do that.

"Mom, I need to see her," I told her.

"Okay, let me ask for some help." With that, she left

Within a minute she returned with a nurse and now I was entering Anna's room, which was exactly next to mine.

My mom pushed the wheelchair near Anna's bed and left me alone there.

"I am just outside. Call me when you are ready to return. Okay?" She said and I nodded.

I looked at Anna. She looked peaceful.

"You look so peaceful and here I am hell worried about you. I know you need rest but baby please, wake up now. I will never let you face it again." I said but my heart was so much in pain.

You should suffer more, Xavier. You promised to protect her, never let her get hurt but that same day she faced death again. Your words mean nothing. You don't deserve to be near her.

I knew crying wouldn't correct my sin but seeing her like that only because of my incapability was doing numbers on my heart.

I took her hand in mine.

"I know I don't deserve to hold your hand but I will be selfish and will never let you go. I know you can do much better than me but I won't let you get away from me." I said.

I could see the bandage on her wound. Her hospital shirt was lifted. I stretched my arm to pull it down but suddenly she moved.

I backed away. When looked at her face she was still sleeping.

Did I imagine it?

But it happened again. She stirred up a little. I press the alert alarm near her bed. Within a few seconds reached her room.

But before doctors could check her up she started crying.

She started wailing like a baby. Her cry was so painful that I shivered because of that. My mom also could not contain her tears inside.

Doctors looked worried. Anna looked here and there like searching for something.

"Anna" I called her out. She looked at me.

"Xav...Xavier. I saw my parents." With that, she burst into tears again.

Hello, sweeties.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Please, let me know if you did.

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