Chapter 38 - A New Life

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Hey guys,

From here to can skip straight to the Epilogue. The next two three chapters are just for deets and have nothing significant to the plot.

I wrote them to complete the word count that I had promised Dreame.


8 Months Later

"He's a devil!"

"Oh come on, look at him, his round cheeks, big green eyes and his little hands and feet," Liana cooed, "How can this cute little baby be a devil, right Moon?"

I grinned, "Of course, little Marcus is the most handsome and the most innocent baby in the world."

"Yeah sure; you're not the one he keeps awake at night." Mercy rolled her eyes; her disheveled hair came all over her face again.

It was surprising how a Werewolf, who was also a healer, and who was supposed to have unending strength was so tired because of a child.

But then being a mother was an all consuming task, a twenty four-seven job and of course, if someone kept you up all night long, there was no way you could really remain energetic. Along with that, Marcus was no human child, which meant that his antics and his tantrum were much more draining that that of a normal human child.

Liana didn't seem to think about all of that as she completely ignored Mercy and held her eight months old son, Marcus all the while cooing and giggling with him. Her baby fever had reached its peak ever since she realized she was pregnant. The glow on her face, her slightly rounded cheeks because of the weight she gained were always full of happiness. She loved Marcus like a dear aunt, and Mercy was happy enough to let her take care of him whenever she wanted to.

 I still remembered that day; it was a month after she had confirmed she was pregnant, Liana was in tears and had spoken non-stop about how Jaxon was being so attentive ever since she told him.

Both the women sitting in front of me glowed with love – even Mercy, who was so tired.

I sighed inwardly.

I tried my best to keep in the sinking feeling of my heart every time I thought about the words 'mates'. I missed both of mine dearly and it made it extremely difficulty for me to move on. Whenever these two talked about their own mates, I was guilty of feeling that familiar stab of envy everytime.

"I wish Kia was here." Mercy mumbled, missing the only person  who wasn't present here, "I haven't seen her in ages. The last time I saw her was when Moon was in the hospital and we had gossiped together."

Liana handed Marcus back to Mercy and looked at me, "She and Josh are dealing with the witch Zora. I have a feeling that they will be needing help, but right now we can't do anything because it's their internal matter, and as long as Zora doesn't directly harm the Werewolves, we really don't have any right to go ahead and deal with her." She sighed, "There's been no contact with the witches since you left."

"Don't worry about all of that. If they needed help, they would've reached out to us. They know we are there to help whenever they need. Do you think Josh broke that curse already?  It would be wonderful if Josh finally sees his mate, and of course, make things easier for both of them." I asked.

Mercy shrugged, "I have no idea. I don't think the curse is that easy to break. They will have to destroy Zora and her powers."

We sat silent for a good amount of time, with Marcus's coos and gurgles acting as background noises.

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