Chapter 15 - All the Mates

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"Oh, God!" Mercy moaned, "It's been days since I've had this much fun and this good food. If I didn't have the love for mothering my patients so much then I would've reconsidered being the Kingdom's healer."

"This has nothing to do with you being a healer, " Kia rolled her eyes, "Her pregnancy blues have kept her in a constantly bad mood, something which only a you-know-what can cure."

Liana sighed, "Why exactly isn't he coming for you? A couple of years are enough for a Beta King to set in the system."

Kia, once again rolled her eyes at her friend, "But who's gonna tell that to Mercy dear here? Probably Theo is finding her, probably not, " She shrugged, "But if he is finding her, there is no way he'll have an idea where Mercy is if she doesn't reveal herself to him. I might not be the strongest witch, but my magic is strong enough for me to know that no matter what he does he's not going to get a scent from her. And after so much time apart, their bond is getting weaker, unlike that of the Alphas and their Lunas. If you ask me, I think it's only the baby that's keeping their bond intact."

At that moment, Mercy looked like she didn't know if her baby was a blessing or a curse.

"That's... I don't know what to say." I gulped down my drink, "I still think you should talk to Theo and figure all of this out. You have another eight months of pregnancy left and it isn't too late for your mate to be a part of it. He'd want that, you know? If not now, but there would come a day when he'd want to know how it feels like to be an expecting father and he'd regret not being with you right now."

We had spent the entire day in a wild rush, cheerfully skipping from one activity to another. We made Mercy take an ultrasound first and then gushed at the baby that was growing inside her. I had the inkling that she had never checked herself up in fear of being exposed.

Then we had treated ourselves to the spa, all four of us coming out of the parlor with glowing cheeks. Then followed our shopping spree and more than our clothes, we managed to shop for cute baby clothes that had Mercy rolling her eyes at us.

We had completely forgotten that we weren't humans - at least I had. Lunch at a fancy restaurant, trying out the rides in a nearby carnival, we did everything and anything that came into our minds.

The very last one was clubbing, and even though I didn't want to ruin the mood that had been constantly up throughout the day, I had to bring up the fact again. Mercy needed her mate through her pregnancy period, something she was still not understanding.

Males - as far as I had observed my mate - could go to great lengths for their children. Theo would surely be devastated if he learned of the pregnancy too late.

"Then let him regret it. He deserves it for leaving me that way."

"Leave it, Luna." Kia snorted, "Nothing you say is going to change her mind - it's like talking to a wall, without ears."

"But still, if not about him, then think about yourself," I pressed, "We will do everything we can to be with you during this phase, yet it would never be the same as your mate being by your side. No matter how bad he is, don't you think you deserve to have him by your side?"

Mercy stayed silent for a while.

Liana stood up, "You know what? I'm going to dance; in fact, you should, too. Stop making her more miserable by reminding her of her stupid mate time and again, Moon. Let her do what she wants to do - now you wanna join me?"

"Yup!" All the three of us chirped, and soon the tension in the air faded away. No longer were we worrying about stupid mates and their idiocies.

Soon we were all a flurry of sexy moves and giggling voices. Not even a single one of us was drunk, and we still managed to enjoy our time like a bunch of alcohol-crazed, hormonal teenagers. Soon, the four of us had captured the attention of the entire crowd, and Liana giggled at us.

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