Chapter 24 | Sophie

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It took Keefe a second to recognize the voice, Marella. His ex. The one that cheated on him.

Marella ran her hands over his arms, "I thought you would be a little more excited to see me, babe."

He snatched her perverted hands away and scooted further away in the sand. "Marella, how the hell do you even..."

She gave him a sickly sweet smile. "Get here? Baby, I know you so well."

"No, you know my Facebook page so well."

She pursed her lips, "Not my fault, besides, who's that girl? The blonde one? Ugly as hell if you ask me."

Keefe cleared his throat and stood up, before adding with a harsh tone; "That girl, is my fiancee, so I suggest you be more careful about what you say. I don't want to hear from you for a good long while."

"Really? Did our love mean so little to you?" She asked, also standing up and sticking out her hip.

"Empty words, besides if I recall correctly, you're the one who cheated on me."

He could see her furiously trying to find something else to try to seduce him with, when she finally opened her red-painted mouth she said, "Why'd you choose her? Out of all the girls you could have, you chose the ugly duckling?"

"At least it's not as ugly as your personality." She tried to run her hands over him, but he stepped away. 

"Keefie, remember those promises we made to each other?"

"The ones we made all those years ago while you were secretly running around having sex with random guys? Those promises? I almost forgot all about them, so how about you go get your head out of your ass and leave—or someone else's ass, I suppose considering the number of guys you slept with. Now excuse me, but I'm going to spend time with my fiancee, and if you disturb us I will sue you for sexual harassment. Now have a nice stay in hell, slut."

I never liked Marella in the series anyway. 

TRUST FALL, sokeefe | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now