Chapter 4 | Sophie

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     Sophie whirled around, "Keefe?"

"Fancy meeting you here." He said with a crooked grin.

Of all people to run into, it had to be Keefe. "What do you want?" Sophie said while exhaling.

"I was wondering whether you want to be partners for the project?" He said tearing a hand through his hair making it look even messier then it was before. His hair was always a mess—or every time she ever saw him it was a mess.

"Sure—" Sophie was interrupted mid-sentence by someone putting a finger to their lips and shushing her. She rolled her eyes at them and stuck out her tongue and then continued. "wait, why do you want to work with me—like, why not your friend?"

Keefe snorted, "He's locked in our dorm barfing face off."

"What do you mean 'locked'?"

Keefe just lifted his hand and waved the question off, "Anyways, I don't know many people here—" he caught Sophie's eye, "—yet, so I figured why not?"

She shrugged, "'Kay, I want to get a good grade on this assignment—so don't suck." Sophie said with a pointed look.

He nodded and saluted, "I understand Master, No sucking shall happen." 

Sophie elbowed him in the ribs.


"I thought I said that you weren't allowed to suck," Sophie said her legendary patience running out. Keefe hadn't done anything useful for the whole time they were here. "Next time, I'm gonna pick a new partner, 'cause I don't want to do this all by myself."

"Don't say that—you love me."

Sophie choaked, "Now that's a disturbing thought."

"Whatever you say," Keefe said confidently.



Sophie crossed her arms across her chest, this guy really was in love with himself.

"Ugh, are you going to help? Actually please don't, I want to get a good grade on this."


"How is this my fault?"

Sophie laughed with a hint of craziness to her tone, "Maybe because of the little-known fact that you put in a figging...something as a prank and didn't tell me?"

"It was only a prank!"

God, he was so annoying sometimes, and what was even more annoying was that he looked cute while doing it. "Well, your prank sucked—how could you call that a prank—you exploded the intestines successfully getting it all over both of us."

It was true, he'd stuffed something up the intestines that when Sophie started dissecting it, it exploded showering them with greenish slimy cow innards. The only thing she found any humor in the situation, was when he accidentally stood in the wrong spot and got an equal amount on himself—apparently he even got some in his mouth. That brought the word 'gross' and 'I might vomit to a whole other level.

"It didn't completely suck—" he started saying. 

"Oh really? What part of this is good? You should just be glad no one else was in the way."


"Oh really? What part is good? You should just be glad no one else was in the way."

Ouch. That was a blow that really hurt his pride. It wasn't often that he was at a loss for words, but this was one of those rare times that he was. What made it worse is that he was left jaw slightly agape, while she walked away—still partially covered in the guts.

As he watched her angrily stroll down the hall back to her room, he felt something inside him slowly breaking. 

That girl. She was the only one that ever got to him. The only one that was even capable of leaving him jaw slack and at a loss for words.

That girl.

The one he felt himself slowly falling for. 

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