4.01: chapter forty

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"Scott," a voice whispered. I groaned and buried my face deeper into my pillow, sighing when I felt the bed dip slightly next to me. Elle (her voice made it obvious it was her. Plus, we kind of lived together) taped my shoulder, and I snuggled deeper under the blankets, "Scott, get the fuck up or I'll get Connor."

"No," I whined, looking out over the covers. Elle smiled down at me, and I just glared up at her, "You can't threaten me with Connor."

Elle just quirked an eyebrow, "Are you going to get up, then, Scotty?"

I grinned up at Elle, blinking sleepily, "Nope," I hummed, and she scoffed, mumbling that she would get Connor. I smirked at her and sat up higher in bed, "but you could definitely relax for a few minutes, babe."

Elle started to protest, and I laughed, lunging forward and wrapping my arms around her waist. Elle yelped and I laughed again, flipping her around and pulling her onto the bed with me. We were both a tangled mess with the blankets in seconds, but it wasn't hard to flip myself on top of Elle. I held myself up on my elbows and grinned down at her.

Elle rolled her eyes and I bent down to give her a quick kiss, ignoring her protest of my morning breath. Elle wrinkled her nose and I grinned, flopping down onto the bed next to her and cuddling right next to Elle. It was the moments like these - cuddling next to Elle and just being with her - that made waking up early a little more bearable.

I was half-asleep on Elle's shoulder when she rolled to the side, facing me. My eyes fluttered opened and I reluctantly rolled over a bit too, my arm caught between Elle and the bed.

"It's game day," she reminded me, like I could actually forget. My heart jumped at that and I couldn't help but grin, "Your first game playing for the Leafs!"

Flash forward two years, and things had kind of changed.

For one, Connor had moved across the hall, taking Kelly (and Miguel, thankfully) with him. I had stayed in our old apartment, and Elle had moved in with me. Things didn't change that much - Con still stayed in our apartment most of the time, and he still used our shower (the water was better, he claimed), but it was crazy to think that we were both living with our girlfriends in our own apartments.

I had gotten drafted to the Toronto Maple Leafs, as well as Edi and Jay. It was our first game today, and I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I had spent almost two years playing for the Marlies, and then I had gotten drafted to the Leafs - my goal since my childhood had happened to me, and it was insane to try and understand.

Yet, at the same time, nothing had really changed at all. Connor was still his obnoxious self, and my best friend, I was still in love with Elle, and she was still annoying and always had a comment. Coach Monroe still scared me, Edi still took naps on my couch during guys nights, and Jay still made superhero references and innopropriate jokes. Crazy things might have happened, but life was still the same. And I loved that.

One of the best things, though, I had to admit, was that Elle and I still had our practices. We still practiced before games, and, like always, she stole my jersey before every practice.

Elle kissed me again, and I blinked, coming back out of my thoughts. Elle flicked my temple, "C'mon, you need to get up. Jay and Edi are gonna be here soon, and you know Connor's gonna want pictures, and you need to warm up - "

"Fine, mom," I huffed, propping myself up on the one arm that wasn't under Elle, "Warm ups can be done anywhere."

And with that, I flipped myself over Elle again, back to the position we had been in a few minutes before. She looked up at me in surprise, green eyes wide, and I smiled, putting my arms on either side of her. I dropped down slightly, and then pushed myself back up, laughing loudly when Elle rolled her eyes at me.

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