1.01: chapter ten

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I woke up to a terrible smell.

Sighing, I kept my eyes closed and attempted to pull away from whatever the smell was. But I couldn't move. I felt someone's body on top of my legs, and behind me, my head was pressing into someone's stomach. I groaned quietly and opened my eyes slowly, squinting as the sudden light from the apartment damn near blinded me.

I yelped when I saw a foot directly under my chin. I wrinkled my nose and attempted to squirm away, which didn't turn out well at all.

The blanket got tangled around me as I wiggled, trying to get past the person who was behind me and away from Connor's smelly feet. Before I knew it, I was on the edge of the couch and shouted as the blankets rolled off, taking me with them. My butt slammed against the floor and I fell backwards, head landing on the carpet below me.

I groaned loudly again, propping myself up slowly on my elbows. Kelly was still asleep and so was Elle, despite the fact that I'm sure my head bumped into her stomach a good amount of times. Connor mumbled something and pushed the blanket off, rolling over and glaring at me.

"Why the fuck are you on the floor?" Connor snapped sleepily, running one hand through his messed up hair, "And why the hell can't you sleep quietly?"

I narrowed my eyes at my best mate, "I'm sorry you're disgusting foot was close to my face!"

Before I could say anything, Kelly leaned up, snatched the pillow behind Connor, and attempted to chuck it at me. I grinned and ducked, snatching the pillow and throwing it back at her. Kelly groaned when it landed on her and I smirked, watching as she just dug deeper under the covers to avoid moving it.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly and laid back down, not having the inclination to go back on the couch for extra sleep. After Connor finished his story last night - I couldn't even recall what it was about - we all ended up passing out on the couch. Elle had insisted that she would go home, but she fell asleep before any of us did.

I yawned and rolled over, pulling my phone from my pocket. I had a missed call from my mom and I made a mental note to call her back later. Leaning back, I sighed and locked my phone, taking a quick peep at the time. Noon.

Noon. One hour before practice.

"Shit!" I cursed, standing up quickly. I stumbled and kicked the blanket off me, looking around for my bag. I cursed again and ran a hand through my hair, tugging on it, "Elle! Wake up!"

Elle groggily sat up, looking at me with an annoyed, tired expression. She furrowed her eyebrows and glared, but I didn't have time to notice anything as I stumbled around tiredly, pulling a pair of gray sweats from the laundry basket and tugging them on.

Connor cursed and stood up, "I'm going to bed. C'mon, Kelly."

Picking Kelly up, Connor walked into his room, bumping my shoulder in the process. I laughed and riffled through the laundry basket in search of my practice jersey. I tossed clothes over my shoulders and tipped the basket to the side, looking for it. I knew Connor would kill me when he saw the mess - he was a bit of a clean freak - but I didn't have time to care.

Angrily, I flipped the basket over onto the floor, watching the clothes spill out over the sides. I ran a hand through my hair again and bit my lip, looking around the room for the jersey. Things just seemed to be going to utter shit and I was on the verge of freaking out.

"Looking for this?" Elle asked, making me spin around and grin when she held my jersey in her hand.

I pulled my t-shirt off my head and grabbed a fresh one from the laundry basket. Elle coughed and turned her head, making me smirk and pull my jersey on over it. I rubbed a hand across my eyes and sat down, grabbing a pair of shoes from my hockey bag and slipping them on. I unzipped my bag and went through everything quickly.

Stolen Jerseys / ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن