33. Riley Smith

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Three years ago

"Whatcha gonna do, faggot? Gay us to death?"

"Aw, look, the gay's aboutta cry. He's so weak."

Riley hiccuped, pressing himself back against the wall and trying hard not to let the tears that were pressing against the back of his eyes stream down his face. Just stop it, he wanted to say, but his tongue didn't want to move. Stop it.

"Hey," a drawling voice said, making the other boys look over to see a tall boy with black hair leaning against the opposite wall, his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. "What are you guys doing?"

Not another one, Riley almost whimpered.

The other boys snickered and pointed at Riley. "This fag thinks he can just waltz in here and be gay without any consequences." 

They clearly expected the other boy to join in, but instead, he pushed off the wall and sauntered over. "Mm. I never got any consequences."

It took them a moment, but then the others' eyes widened. The new boy grinned sweetly. "I suggest you leave him alone, or I'll show you what consequences can actually be inflicted."

The boys looked scared now, and rightfully so, as this new boy was much bigger than them and clearly wasn't scared of fighting someone with fists instead of just words. The leader of their small gang coughed, trying to regain some semblance of control. "Whatever," he scoffed, turning away and hunching his shoulders. "Doesn't...matter. See you fags around."

The new boy smirked. "Yes, I'll definitely see you around."

Riley's eyes widened when the other boy turned to look at him, his piercing blue eyes appraising him, and then he held out a hand. "Heya. I'm Will. Nice to make your acquaintance."

Riley hiccuped a little and scrubbed at his face, hesitantly taking Will's hand. Will gave it a firm shake, and then turned to leave.

"Wait!" Riley blurted. Will turned, blinking and arching a brow, his hands once again in his pockets. Riley blushed. "Er--thank you."

Will shot Riley a mischievous grin. "No problem."

~ ~ ~

Two years ago

Riley was just heading to Casey's table when something caught his eye. He glanced over to see a tall boy in a black hoodie sitting alone, scrolling through stuff on his phone. He changed directions and walked over to him. When he got closer, he realized it was Will, the boy who'd saved him from the bullies nearly a year ago. But he didn't expect Will to remember that.


Will looked up from his phone and arched a brow, setting down his phone slowly. "Hey...?"

Riley smiled and held out a hand, sitting down. "I'm Riley. You're Will, right?"

Will narrowed his eyes. "Yes," he said slowly. "How do you know that?"

Riley paused. He could tell Will that he was the one who he'd saved, but something held him back. Maybe it was the fact that revealing that meant telling Will that he was the gay one, and he didn't want Will to think that he was trying to hit on him.

Because he wasn't.

He didn't think.

"I sit next to you in Calculus," he said instead, because it wasn't a lie."You know. I'm the one you cheat off of."

"Oh yeah," Will said, leaning back in his chair. "Thanks for that, by the way."

Riley laughed. "No problem." An idea struck him. "Hey, I can help you, if you want."

Will blinked, looking faintly surprised, and leaned back in his chair. "What do you mean." It wasn't posed as a question.

Riley smiled again. "I can help tutor you," he said brightly. "Meet me at Central Park after school today?"

Will stared at him for a moment, his eyes narrow. "Okay," he said after a long pause. "Should I get your number or something?"

"Sure," Riley said, reaching for Will's wrist and grabbing the pen he always carried around in case of stuff like this. He uncapped it with his teeth and wrote down his number on the back of Will's hand. Then he grabbed his tray and stood, capping his pen again and saluting Will, who was watching him with a funny expression on his face. "See ya then," he said, then jogged off to Casey's table.

~ ~ ~

Casey bailed.

He'd told Riley to meet him at their usual date, but it had been almost an hour, and it was clear that Casey wasn't going to show up.

Riley sank back in his chair, feeling the weight of other's stares as the waiter came around again and again, asking him if he wanted to order now, but Riley kept waving him off with a forced smile, holding onto the tiniest thread of hope that maybe Casey was held up?

Just as he was about to give up, someone slid into the seat across from him. Riley looked up, thinking it was Casey, but who it really was shocked him enough that he couldn't seem to say anything.

"Sorry I'm late," Will said loudly. "Traffic was unbelievable." Then he lowered his voice and said to Riley, "Just go with it. Whoever stood you up is a fucking jackass."

Riley felt his face heating up, a slow grin stretching across his face. "Thanks, man," he said, so incredibly relieved that he wouldn't have to spend this night alone after all. "Yeah, I should have known that Casey would'a left me hanging."

"It's no problem," he said nonchalantly, looking over the menu, but the tips of his ear turned faintly red. "So, what are you gonna get?"

Riley shrugged, peering down at the menu. "I dunno. I was thinking about getting the hamburger..."

Will stared at him, and he looked up, blinking at the intensity of the stare. "Riley," he said, aghast, and Riley's name on Will's lips sent a sudden shiver through him. "This is a Mexican restaurant."

The waiter saved him from answering. "Hello, my name is Juan and I'll be serving you tonight. What can I get you?"

Riley opened his mouth, about to ask if he could have some time to look at the menu for a bit longer, when Will interrupted him. "Could we get the pork enchiladas for him and the bean and cheese burrito for me, please?"

Juan nodded and smiled. "Certainly. Any drinks?"

"Shirley temples," Will answered almost before Juan stopped talking. "With extra cherry, por favor."

The waiter smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

His confidence was incredible, and Riley couldn't help but think of his incredible way of handling even what seemed like the most pressurizing of situations. Will caught his stare and blinked. "What?"

"Nothing," Riley said, smiling slowly. "Nothing."

- - - - - - - - - 

Hah. I'm definitely evil, don't you think? I bet I got your hopes up that this chapter would be about how Will handled the deal with Ash, huh?


You're very welcome, dear readers.

IN ANY CASE. I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Maybe by Saturday? Saturday at the earliest, Monday at the latest.

Vote, comment, and follow me for announcements on when the next updates'll be!

Q: I know I already asked this, but opinions change, and I know mine have...favorite song?

A: Mine is definitely Notice Me, by ROLE MODEL.

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