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Kegan woke up to a cold room. He didn't open his eyes, instead keeping them closed and feeling around for a blanket. The air smelled like Calix and he didn't feel uncomfortable, so he chose to believe he was in his room, but that didn't answer his confusion as to why he was cold.

"Calix?" Kegan whispered, letting out a yelp of surprise when he felt hands on his stomach.

He opened his eyes and saw Calix leaning on the wall, biting his nails nervously while the doctor continued to move her hands around his stomach.

Kegan remembered the conversation he had with Tan, but he was hoping that the doctor was finding out that he was lying. There was no way that he could be injected with something that made him infertile; Tan had to know that the first pregnancy for an Omega was risky and often resulted in at least one of the pups, usually the runt, not making it.

"I can see you overthinking from here," Calix said, drawing Kegan's attention. "Relax and let the doctor do her job."

"I am letting her do her job!" Kegan shot back, feeling goosebumps prickle up his arms. "Why is it so cold?"

The doctor pulled down his shirt so it covered his stomach once again. "I had Alpha Calix turn down the heat. It won't affect the pups and will slow down the effects of the injection so the pups will have a better..." she trailed off, looking sadly at Kegan.

Kegan hung his head, not looking at Calix, but he could feel the anger growing in him through his scent. "They're okay, right?" he asked hopefully, eyes brimming with tears.

"I... yes, Luna, for the time being they are," the doctor said, glancing over at Calix constantly. She could sense his anger and it was scaring her and making her want to run. "We won't know anything for sure until the pups are born. I've never dealt with witch potions and that's what you were injected with. All I can tell is that it has made your body weak and your reproductive organs are... damaged."

Kegan couldn't help the tears that started to fall. He hated how weak he always looked when he cried, but all he ever wanted was to have a loving mate and a family. All he wanted was to be free from the life he was born into... to have a chance at happiness. And somehow, one of the people who he saw as a friend took that away from him.

"S-So if these pups die... I can never have a family of my own?" Kegan asked her, begging with his eyes to tell him it would still be possible.

The doctor sighed. "Don't prematurely call their death, Luna. You are an extremely strong Omega and I believe that you can deliver all three of your pups so long as you take precautions," she explained, stepping away from the bed so Calix could approach Kegan.

"What do you need from me?" Kegan asked, eyes locked on the doctor. "How do I ensure their survival?"

"I want you on bed rest until they are born. Unless you're showering, bathing, or using the restroom, I want you in bed," she said, before looking at Calix. "Sex is fine, but do not ever let it lead to blacking out or overwhelming exhaustion."

Kegan blushed and Calix smirked.

"I appreciate your prioritizing our sex life," Calix said, making Kegan groan, burying his face in his hands.

The doctor shrugged. "More often than not it's an extreme concern to injured wolves. 'When can we have sex again' is an extremely common question for me," she said, laughing to herself. "I assume it's the wolves talking, primarily. Speaking of which, both of your wolves may be absent for a bit of time. They are both most likely scarred from the idea of not having pups, especially since you both seem keen on having a family of your own. They won't be gone long, they just need time."

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