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Calix woke up at three in the afternoon. He mind linked his father and apologized, but Jonas only laughed and told him it was completely acceptable, saying that as a mate, his priority is to take care of his other half.

He didn't know where Kegan was, but Zakai wasn't panicking and Kegan hadn't linked him or tried to wake him up, so he assumed the heat was over. Groggily, Calix pulled on a sweatshirt that would cover the marks all over his chest, back, and neck, before putting on athletic shorts.

"I like the lavender, but isn't that a funeral color?" Kegan's voice sounded like it was coming from the dining area, so that's where Calix went.

He found Kegan, Astra, and Tali sitting at the table, looking through binders packed full with different themes for mating ceremonies.

"Calix!" Kegan cheered, grinning at his mate.

Calix smiled at the attention and draped himself over the back of Kegan's chair, pressing a kiss to the Omega's neck. He was surprised that Kegan hadn't attempted to cover the marks all over his neck, but they also weren't as bad as Calix's.

"What are you doing, love?" Calix asked, not very familiar with the customs of a mating ceremony.

He'd been to a few smaller ceremonies for wolves who got second chance mates. It only occurred when a wolf was rejected or their mate died and they were gifted a second mate by the goddess. In those cases, packs offered them the chance to have a ceremony to praise and thank the goddess for the opportunity to love and have a second half despite their initial heartbreak.

"We're coming up with a color scheme," Kegan said, flipping through one of the binders. "Do you have any ideas?"

Calix shook his head. "I've never been to a Alpha and Luna naming ceremony," he said, sliding into the seat beside Kegan. "I don't know the common colors."

Kegan continued looking through the pages. "I haven't either. I like the lighter colors, though. Maybe a dark one for a pop, but I don't want it to feel gloomy," he said, looking to Calix for his approval.

"Love that idea," Calix said fondly, taking one of the binders and humming as he went through it. "Do you have a favorite color?"

"I like green," Kegan said, eyes fixed on the window and the forest dreamily. "Reminds me of freedom."

"How about we do a forest green for our dark color?" Calix asked, making Kegan grin.

"Okay! What about the other color or colors? We could do two or three, I don't really mind either way, but I feel like two lighter colors would look better."

Calix agreed with him and searched through the pages for a dark green color scheme. "Here!" he exclaimed, showing Kegan a page. "We could do a light yellow color and a grey with it?"

"I like the grey, but the yellow is..." Kegan wrinkled his nose. "It doesn't feel right."

"What about this color?" Calix asked, pointing to a peach shade, but it was much lighter and not as vibrant. "It seems like a background color."

Kegan smiled. "If we find flowers like this they'd look so pretty with the green!" he exclaimed, before glancing at the grey. "But could we do a white then instead of grey? The grey feels gloomy."

Calix nodded instantly. "Of course," he said, kissing Kegan's cheek as their pack mates watched the pair in amusement and admiration.

"Well, now that we have a color scheme, we need to start talking about decor," Tali said, opening another page in the binder. "This ceremony don't have to be super extravagant if you'd prefer something simpler, but the entire pack will be there and, let's be honest, you two deserve something like this."

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