-That flame of joy-

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(still, Deku's pov)

I continued to sit with shoto of my lap trying to focus but I was uneasy. The chances the rebellion held onto one for all wasn't an impossibility the way she had so easily let herself die. I still don't trust kacchan with things. My reasons for choosing to bring (y/n) here instead of somebody else have many more reasons than I let on. I only trust a select few within these walls. Shoto and kaminari. "Shoto has there been an update?" I hummed stroking his hair. He sighed turning around to face me.

"Not yet izuku... not with what you want... we stopped receiving information on the so-called heroes. I fear hawks may have betrayed you... or he was found out." I growled pinching the brim off my nose.

"And the battle north of hosu? What of that?" I hissed.

"...we lost" my face fell as I looked to the side, the wine glass shattering to pieces. "But we won the two other battles... i'll tell kaminari to send out others to end the small fraction of heroes who are there"

"I want the date for the execution brought up. I want it public. I want to show this rebellion who they are messing with. If I can only speed up her... insanity we would have our weapon...'' I sighed before Shoto got one of his smirks.

"We could force her to kill... your good with twisting reality izuku." I thought about it for a moment.

"Well, then I suppose we'll just have to get her mad enough at dear ochako. The only problem will be kacchan. He's grown rather attached again to her. Though I was expecting this. She shares so many similarities to her don't you think shoto... ah sorry, I almost forgot... the largest difference with this new her... she's so much more, isn't she? She isn't a player drunk on the power she received from all might. How many others had to suffer because of our (y/n)? Yet nobody suffers with her around. I lost the ability to feel so long ago though..." shoto smiled slightly bringing me into a kiss.

"We should probably get ready for breakfast you did order her to attend." shoto mumbled and I sighed looking at the time.

"I suppose your right love" I sighed.


Back to you-

I hadn't moved trying to make sense of what had happened. I was so incredibly tired. Has it been real? Part of it is trying to tell me it couldn't have been real... they would never hurt me like that. But it happened... I couldn't change that fact. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't erase the feeling I had. For a moment I had wanted to tear into them. I had laughed at the feeling. I had lost it for a moment... I stared at my hands seeing the red I had grown numb to... it happened so often now as the sight of blood. I knew it was fake, it scared me when I looked at my hands. However, now it was a sick numb feeling I got.

"... you're creeping me out princess" I looked up to Katsuki leaning against the doorway.

"Oh... can you grab me an outfit? I don't feel like getting up katsuki.'' I hummed as he walked over to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet.

"Tch, you're so lazy... you're not scared?" he looked me in the eyes and I smiled, shaking my head.

"I.. got used to it I guess." I could see the worry.

"When was the last time you slept.. I mean really slept?" I shrugged.

"A little here a little there. I swear though I'm ok kacc... katsuki. I swear I'm alright!" something new happened at that moment the red I was so used to seeing so often changed. Instead of being still and old... the moment he let go and backed away from me. The crimson color started moving. I could feel it dance on my fingers dripping to the floor. It moved down the walls when I touched my arm. I looked at Katsuki and he looked at me confused.

"Hey? Oi! Earth to fucking (y/n)!" I shook my head and took a step back.

"I shouldn't like it... This feeling is why do I like it? Tell me katsuki! Why do I fucking like the feeling? It's different than before the moment you pulled away. I can feel it. The blood... its there its dripping whatever I touch is tainted by that crimson color kacchan..." he grabbed my pulling me close again in his arms it all went away...

"... it's alright... you're ok. Don't let him mess with your head alright? You have the new friends you've made here. You don't have to change to be like him alright? Liking the feeling does not you hear me it does not make you a monster... if it does then im worse than a demon.'' I nodded as I pulled away.

"And you're no demon... you can be... cruel but you're not like them. You have a softer side you only show for me..." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"Ya now go get changed dumbass i'll be outside waiting for you.'' I smiled slightly.

"Alright pomeranian" I hummed and he growled.

"THE FUCK SHORTASS! I'M NOT A POMERANIAN!" I snickered for a moment. I forgot about it all.

"Hmm hedgehog then" I hummed as he growled, grabbing me by the waist picking me up and spinning me around

"Tch, I'm not that either I'm bakugo katsuki the best of the best. Loud and explosive. You're my little princess, nothing else"  I laughed slightly with a smile. This reminded me so much of the days back home where he held me like this and we spun around and around laughing and having fun.

"That makes you my prince kacchan." he nodded, setting me down.

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