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^Such a beautiful song. Play it while you read, you won't regret it. (;


'People don't change, they just become more of who they really are.'


When I was little I frequently had the same nightmare.

I would be standing in the middle of a busy street, people moving all around me, but no one would seem to notice me.

It would be as if I wasn't even there.

I would scream and scream, but no one would hear me, no one would even turn to look at me.

It wasn't the situation itself that was so terrifying but the feeling I got when it happened.

Like I didn't have a voice.

Like I was trapped.

Right now, I felt exactly how I had in that nightmare.


"It's been three hours." Lorenzo's voice resonated through the lobby. "Enough time for Alberto to reach Carlos Vitale and convey our message."

Sebastian gave a stiff nod. His whole body seemed tense.

I watched as Lucian handed Sebastian a cell phone. "It's time to make the call, brother." He smirked, his black eyes shone with sadistic anticipation.

Sebastian took the phone from Lucian's hand and pressed a single button before bringing it to his ear.

"Remember who he is Sebastian, remember what he did." Lorenzo's voice hissed, making my hands clench in frustration and anger.

I immediately noticed the change in Sebastian's demeanor. His expression hardened till it became formidable. His eyes darkened and his lips drew into a thin line.

The way his shoulder's tensed even further indicated that someone had answered the call.

For a moment he didn't say anything which made me believe that the person on the other end was saying something.

My heart was thudding wildly in my chest. I felt sick to my stomach.

Suddenly, Sebastian's lips twisted into a sneer. "You know exactly who this is Mr. Vitale. No need to pretend otherwise."

My breath hitched.

Mr. Vitale.

My father.

There was a pause and then he let out a cold, humorless chuckle.

"Non sei in grado di minacciarmi (You are in no position to threaten me)."

Then all the mirth vanished from Sebastian's expression and it was replaced by hatred. "The man we released, Antonio, he must have given you all the details already. You know we have your daughter and if you want to see her again you will do as I say."

His eyes cut to me briefly and for a second I saw a hint of emotion in them before it vanished. I noticed that he was clutching the phone so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

"I will send you a location." Sebastian said quietly. "In twenty-four hours I want you to bring every single one of the men associated with the Alfonsi family, bring every man you've captured and imprisoned over the years, to that location. In exchange for my men I will hand over your daughter to you."

Lorenzo hissed in disdain at Sebastian's words but Sebastian cut him off with a warning look. His harsh glare daring his Uncle to challenge him.

Lorenzo finally backed down but his lips curled in disgust.

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