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But what if,

somewhere between letting go and holding on,

we find the courage to love again?


I watched as Warren trudged inside the front door.

"Ciao." He spoke gruffly and tipped his head about a millimeter in greeting. I was getting used to it. Warren didn't speak much, or show any emotion for that matter but I'd stopped being terrified of him.

"Will you be staying over for dinner?" I asked from the kitchen.

"No." His response was curt and I didn't mind, I knew he wasn't trying to be rude intentionally. It was just how he communicated.

I eyed the crisp suit he had on. "You're dressed up. Hot date?" I teased.

He gave me a blank look and for a moment I thought he didn't understand but then he shook his head slightly and muttered. "Not a date. Party."

My ears perked up at the mention of a party.

I couldn't recall the last time I'd actually gone to a party.

Had I ever been to a party?

I tried to search my mind but came up blank.

My mother's sickness started when I was a teenager. I'd spent all of my time taking care of her, I'd never had time for friends or parties.

"Have fun," I murmured.

Maybe it was the wistfulness in my voice but for the first time since I'd met him Warren's eyes actually softened.

"If you want to come talk to Sebastian." He muttered.

My eyes widened. "Sebastian's going too?"

Warren nodded in response.

For a moment I felt a pang of hurt in my chest.

Sebastian was going to a party and he hadn't even mentioned it to me.

But I quickly put my idiotic thoughts back in check.

It's not like Sebastian owed me any kind of explanation about where he went

And why would he want to take me to a party with him anyway?


I stood in front of Sebastian's room.

I swallowed.

Come on Angelica.

Don't be a coward.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in." His response was instant.

I twisted the knob and stepped inside.

My mouth went dry as soon as I caught sight of him.

He was rubbing a towel over his wet hair, and the tight muscles of his arms and abdomen flexed as he did so. His bare shoulders and chest were glistening with water droplets. He wore only pants that hung low over his trim hips.



His eyes widened in shock when he saw me.

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