Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

I can't believe that MY parents arangged a marriage for me and to a man that I don't know a name. This is hilarious but miserable at the same time.

And on top of everything, I need to meet him today. I just hope he is nice, at least. I should be meeting him on my own because my parents said it will be better if we have privacy. Like, nothing will help this situation.

I got dressed in a black dress with white dots and put on my white sandals. If I'm going to meet my ''fiancè'', I'm at least going to be decent. I don't like to put a makeup so I just put a mascara and lipgloss.

I put my phone and a wallet in my purse. I got out of the house not bothering to say bye to my parents. The cab got right on time and drove me to the restaurant.

My dad told me to say just his surname because he already reserved the table. I asked the lady at the reception his surname and she led me to a table for two. I expected him to be there but he wasn't.

I ordered water and sat there waiting for him. I was actually curious about his looks. Is he handsome or ugly? I really hope he is nice because I couldn't stand some crazy guy.

After 10 minutes, some older man entered the restaurant and the same lady that escorted me, was now leading him to my table. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as stood next to me.

He is actually a man I bumped into in the hallway of my school.
''Hello.'' He said as he sat across me.
''Sorry this place is already taken.''
''Yeah I know.'' He shrugged.
''Then why did you sit here?''
''Because this chair is taken by me, fiancee.'' He smirked and put his hand on the table.

What? Is he for real? What were my parents thinking when they thought I would marry him? He is for sure older than 30.

''You are the man I have to marry?''
''Yeah, is there a problem?''
''A problem?'' I ask in disbelief.
''Of course there is a problem. You are old and I can't marry you.'' I raised my voice.
''First, you'll lower your voice. Second, I won't tolerate you disrespect.'' He paused but continued.
''I may be older than you but I'm not old.'' He emphasized old.
''How old are anyway?'' I ask.
''Thirty five.'' I widen my eyes.
''Do you know how old I am?''
''You are eighteen.''
''And you have no problem with that?''
I ask feeling surprised how nonchalant he is about this whole situation.

He leaned closer to me on a table.
''Let me tell you something. I'm not marrying you so we can be lovey dovey shit. Understand?'' He had this threatening look that made me feel fear.

''Then why do you want to marry me?''
''I have a daughter. Her biological mother is a whore who left her to me. She has been always asking me where is her mother and I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I just want her to have a mother figure in her life. She already got excited when I mentioned you to her. So you have no choice then to marry me, alright? And if you have this fu***ing attitude, you are going to get it fixed or I will fix it for you.'' He spat last sentence harshly.

''What about my education? I want to go on a college.'' I say still standing my ground.
''Who said you are not going on a college? I won't marry so you'll be perfect housewife but just to be a mother to Sofia.''
''How old is she?''
''Three years old.'' I saw his face soften as he spoke about her.

After a short silence, I spoke up again.
''Can I at least think about all of this?''
''There is nothing for you to think about, you'll just have to get used to this. Because there is no declining.''

I nodded my head, biting my lip to stop tears from falling. I took a sip of water to clear my throat. I really have no escape from this, huh?

''I think I should go home.'' I took my purse and got up.
''I'll drive you.'' He already got up before I could protest.

He led us to a really nice car. I told him the directions to my house and he came really fast. I muttered bye and got out before he managed to say something.

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