vi. arguments

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- he's mad at his dad so he takes it out on you
- he doesn't mean too, but it happened
- you try to ask him a question about acting
- begins getting very smart-assy with you
- doesn't let you speak without being cut off
- you storm off, but he doesn't chase after you
- you know he didn't mean what he'd said, but you were still angry


- he was extremely overwhelmed with classes
- you tried to help him take a break and calm down
- it only made it worse
- he got angry with your help because you weren't taking no for an answer
- him telling you to leave because it's stressing him out more
- he tears up when you leave cause he automatically feels guilty for getting mad
- knows you're hurt


- he had jokingly begun flirting with some girls
- you were with him though but he didn't think it through
- he didn't realize you were upset with him until he tried talking to you afterward
- ditching him and running to find chris
- complaining to chris about how guys ain't shit
- him knowing exactly where you ran off too but not wanting to make you angrier
- not speaking for at least a day


- he had woken up in an awful mood
- what made it worse was that you were 30 minutes late to your date at the park
- when you got there he tried so hard to not be angry
- but that wasn't how things ended up
- subtly making remarks directed at you and how you're never on time
- it started to get to you and you told him you wanted to leave
- he let you but knew he messed up


- he never made plans with you first
- you began to get upset with him because it seemed like he was losing interest
- instead of communicating that to him, you stop making plans in general
- hoping he'd take a hint, which didn't happen
- letting anger build up until you explode
- yelling at him for not wanting to be around you
- him trying to think of ways to get you to calm down
- you walk away so you don't make rash decisions


- he was always very self-conscious
- you tried to make him feel more comfortable with his abilities
- overwhelming him with help
- asking you to stop because it's not helping the situation
- trying to but it's just your personality to try and help
- he gets very uncomfortable and asks for you to leave
- very polite about it
- but it hurts your feelings and you storm off

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