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Chapter 14
Nyx's POV

Deafening silence, screeching sounds of little insects crawling on the floor enter my ears as I use my enhanced hearing to listen to what is hiding or coming. I hear nothing, thankfully. I wish there was a map with descriptions of the peril each side of the forest has. Whereas the human in me is currently taking precautions the two animals in me are avid in walking through this and I can't convince them it's not an adventure but a death walk. Still I did envision myself walking out of the forest with blood dripping from my skin, every naked inch of me bathed in it with a menacing smile spreading in satisfaction. No, those are my beast's thoughts- the perilous beast that I love with every part of me. But I'm not against it either, I crave blood as much as an incubus craves sexual pleasure.

I am being haunted. We are being watched. By what, I don't know... Wether it's the wizards or vampires, I do not know. Both of us however are enjoying the show we're putting; we feel quite placated because once the creature makes itself known we will take our time on preying on it.

I have been seated on a branch since running from those wolves from earlier, now I'm looking for snares or oblivious wandering creatures. There hasn't been any in sight since I sat here. But there's a hefty infinite air of death that blankets this forest, this part reeks of death and spilled blood which is bemusing to me because of the silence and lack of creatures in sight. It makes me wary because I think they're perfect in their hiding game. The scent must be from those who were unfortunately killed by whatever's residing around here. I can almost see the life from them draining away as those wolves enter their canines into their skin, blood leaking out of where their sharp yellow teeth entered evoking screams of death from the bottom of their stomachs. Those cries and whines making the berserk animals drain the life out of them with no remorse, feeding their cravings. It's a very cruel world we live in, we are governed by rules which favour only the high class but within the standards of the middle class. I can't help the heart wrenching thought that if I turn around and go back I will become of them, berserk. Living with no purpose. That will be if I don't break the bond now while I still have time, if I pend it it will get stronger and the need to be with him will grow as well...


Once I started feeling irritated from my thoughts I jump from the tree branch I was seated on to the floor, luckily during my run I was moving in the correct direction. The only thing that it making the blood in me boil is the unnerving voice of a man which guided me before. Who was it? What was it? Those questions will remain unanswered unless I make it out of this place alive.

There's a story my mother used to tell Emma while she was still coming in tune with her magic on how she ventured these woods. I wasn't close to her like she was with Emma, only because we didn't spend a lot of time together due to our vast differences. Mother is a siren and I'm a werewolf so I was raised by father. She told her about her getting exiled from the ocean, but never stated why, she'd tell her while I sat behind a tree prying like I did with Drew, back then I was a cunning a little kid. She mentioned how she traveled through these woods without knowing the dangers that lurk within. She was banished with her older sister, that was decades ago when the forest was more dangerous than it is now because there weren't any books educating people about what's in the forest then, but the packs that were closer to the forest forbid it. When they were out of the ocean they found land, a coven, but to her it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted a place that was far from the sea. A place that would make her forget about the place she loved the most but was outcasted because of whichever deeds she committed. The forest called for her, she emphasized to my sister. "I knew there was something greater beyond that forest for me. A bigger calling." So because of that call she ignored people's warnings and did what she was told not to do. Stubborn as a mule she followed the feeling that called her to enter the forest, the same feeling I have now. Taking her sister was a must, I mean who would leave their only sister behind? Unfortunately her sister was brainwashed, my mother's pleas and convincing words didn't awaken anything in her instead she also tried convincing her not to enter the forest. I suppose mother became livid and the feels of love she harbored for her sister twisted into hate and betrayal, her heart broke more from that, and she still feels the same way.

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