Chapter 20

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There are times when someone flashes you a smile and you can't help but smile as well. It's contagious, like when someone is sad, you also feel sad. It's funny how someone's mood can  affect yours.

When Lucy saw the amusement park, her face lit up 10 times brighter than the sun. And because of that, my face lit up too. I was happy that I thought of taking her here, and thank you to Kayla for telling me that Lucy has been dreaming to go here.

This date would probably end up being perfect.

We got inside the parking lot and quickly got a spot. When we got out of the car, she started admiring the place, watching and hearing people scream from the drop tower. My eyes fell on Lucy who was so busy gawking at the place with her eyes glistening.

I tucked my hair behind my ears. "What do you think?"

She turned to face me, mouth still ajar. "Amber, do you know that I've always dreamed of going here?"

"This was actually my first choice of where I should take you, but then I started feeling anxious so I asked Kayla for some help and she told me that you've always wanted to go here,"

"The fact that you thought about this place first before asking my best friend for help is just so cute," She grinned.

A blush made its way to my cheeks and I looked away as my heart fluttered. "How come you've never been here?"

"When Kayla and I were little we made a promise to each other. I promised that I won't go to an amusement part unless someone brings me here- Kayla's not included. A promise is a promise,"

I jerked my head towards the entrance, "Let's go and buy tickets."

She hooked her arm to mine and we walked to the ticket booth. The place wasn't packed that much. People usually go here at night cause it's not hot and the place looks beautiful with all the lights on. As for me, I love going here in the afternoon. 

I bought tickets for us both, Lucy insisted on paying me back, but I declined. After all, I was the one who asked her out. We first went to the different booth, checking the games, and the food we wanted to purchase when we get hungry later.

Lucy was eyeing this one booth and I couldn't help but check it out. It's the type of booth where you have to knock the ducks down.

"You wanna try that?" I asked and she nodded. I gave the guy who's busy with his phone a penny and he handed Lucy the gun.

"You need to knock down ten ducks to get a major price," He said dully.

"How many points for that one?" Lucy asked as she pointed at a stuffed toy of Sid the Sloth.

I found myself smiling as I remembered what Kayla said to me about how much Lucy loves sloths.


Lucy released a sigh through her mouth, aiming the gun at the moving ducks, closing one eye to focus. She started firing at them, not even blinking once. My mouth hung open as I watched her shooting at the ducks. After her 10th bullet, she dropped the gun and huffed.

"You didn't even hit a single duck," That made her pout even more. "Do you want another try?" She bobbed her head and I gave the dude another penny.

"I'm gonna kill this round," She said confidently, aiming the gun and starting off again.

As she finished another round, I put my hand on her shoulder. "At least you got 9 this time. 9 misses,"

She pouted as she lightly hit my arm with her fist. "Let's just go. We'd probably end up broke if we keep playing this game,"

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