Chapter 16

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Saturday night, I was talking to Blaire on the phone all throughout the night. We were talking about my little crush on Lucy, her date, and some stuff about ourselves. She and Reed were somehow alike. They're both kind, sweet, and caring. Though, Blaire can sometimes be mean, while Reed was never mean.

Sunday was a normal day for me and my family. My mom and I baked two apple pies and we gave one to Lexi and her family. Monday and Tuesday went by and it's pretty much me and my best friend hanging out all day. Wednesday morning came by, and again, I was late for school. I slept through my alarm clock because I went to bed at 3 am. Thank god the teacher wasn't there as I got inside the classroom, or else I'll be going to detention again.

I was waiting for Lucy to sit beside me in class but she didn't come. Along with our other subjects together, she was nowhere to be seen, and I was getting worried. But maybe she's busy or she's sick and at home. It's funny how I wanted to stop thinking about her, but here I was, looking for her and thinking about her.

These past few days seemed different, maybe it was because Lucy wasn't around.

This lunch, it was just me and my best friend again. Kayla was in a meeting with her teammates. I don't know if Lucy was there, but I'm sure she is. She needed to be there, cause she's the captain. Knowing her, she barely get sick and was often present.

My search party for Lucy was written all over me, stressing me out, and my best friend seemed to notice.

"Are you looking for Lucy?" She blurted.

I looked up from my notebook to her, tapping my pen on the table. "Yeah. Do you know where she is? Have you seen her since Monday?"

"Yeah. I saw her awhile ago when I walked Kayla to the field, why?"

"I feel my day is incomplete these days," I admitted.

Her eyes widen. "Oh my God. You're finally in love!"

I glared at her. "I'm not in love. I just got used to her annoying me everyday, and these days she's like... It's like- like how it was before. No Lucy, no flirting and such,"

"Isn't that what you want? For her to stop annoying you and all?"

"Yeah... But why does it feel so wrong?"

"Cause you're gay!" She grinned.

"Ugh, I'm not, Lexi!" I groaned, hitting my head on the table, hoping my brain would stop thinking about Lucy.

"It's okay, babe. No need to deny it. I'm gay, Kayla is gay too. We'll love you no matter what." She pushed my hair away from my face to see it clearly.

I gave her a half smile. "That's nice. But I am not gay."

"Why don't you go to the field to see her?" As my reply, I shrugged and continued eating my food.

I wanted to see her... But what if she doesn't want to see me?


As I got home from the cafe, I planned on watching a lesbian film to explore myself more like what Blaire said. I browsed through the Internet, googling some good lesbian films, and found the movie Imagine Me And You. Reading the synopsis, I decided to watch it.

Sending a selfie of me and the movie to Blaire so she knows that I'm finally watching a lesbian movie. She replied a minute after, telling me to enjoy. I hit the play button and the movie began.

I found the movie good so far. But it seemed like it was a sign. One of the leading ladies' name was Luce.

Lucy here, Lucy there, Lucy everywhere!

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