97 - Blood

802 16 6


Prompt - Frary's daughter going to her mother the first time she bleeds please!


The Queen of Scotland and France awoke with a start, a swift kick starting her from her slumber, coming from her womb. The twenty seven year old Queen blinked the sleep out of her eyes, looking over at the grandeur, royal chambers from left to right. Everything was still, calm, quiet. It was still dark outside, even if it wasn't that early in the morning, informing the expectant mother -eleven times over, counting rightly- of the mid-way through autumnal season. Mary glanced over at the other side of the bed, it was still illuminated by the dying candles, hoping she hadn't disturbed her husband again, as she had the accidental habit of doing whenever she held a child in her womb at such a late stage.

She bit back the sense of disappointment when the other side of her bed lay empty. Of course, it was. Her King was away at war, leading his men into battle like the brave warrior, soldier King he was. They were so close to finally pushing all Englishmen from their tyrannical grip upon a few areas of French lands. Bologna and Rouen were still to be liberated after generations of England, after all.

"Mama." a small voice murmured. Mary let out a gasp of surprise, turning from right to left, seeing her firstborn daughter standing at her side. Her skin was paler than usual, and Mary fought to swallow down any sense of alarm. Her hair was messy, her eyes sleepy, and she held the skirt of her white sleeping gown in a light fist.

"Anne." Mary whispered, sitting up with a little difficulty. Being several months pregnant had its disadvantages, no matter how ecstatic the still as vindictive Catherine de Medici acted. She frowned at her eldest daughter, reaching out a hand for her child. "What is it, child?" she whispered. Whilst the Queen may stare upon a twelve year old Princess, the mother would never unsee the perfect little girl who was every inch of her mother and was the apple of her fathers' eye.

Anne looked up through her dark lashes at her mother, almost shyly. That was odd. The eldest Princess borne from the King and Queen of France and Scotland was anything but shy. With her face pointed down towards the lush carpeting, the Princess spoke quietly in a high pitched tone that was not her own. 

"I'm bleeding." she shyly stated to her mother, her face flushing with the statement. Mary's face softened and she extended her hand out again, just in time to see her daughter cup a slightly swollen abdomen, before crawling into bed with her.

"Then you are no longer a child, forgive me." she whispers into Anne's dark hair, kissing the soft, sweet smelling strands. "But let me have the chance to hold you in my arms this once longer." she mutters. Anne cuddles into her mothers chest, placing a hand onto her mother's extremely swollen stomach.

"He kicks strongly." Anne whispers happily, feeling another strike from the babe within her mother.

"He does." Mary nods, holding her daughters' hand on her abdomen. "He is strong, just like the rest of you." the Queen of France and Scotland and regent of France pauses. "I love you, mo phàiste." she whispers.

But the young Princess answers her Queen not, as she has fallen into a slumber within her mothers' arms, just one night more.


Hope you liked it! I've got a ton of oneshots coming, since I really have to clear out my requests pile and I do love taking and writing requests for you all. Just a little note, however, if you request something now or have done recently, it might not be done for a while, since I have a ton backed up right now, but they're absolutely gonna be done eventually! :)

Stay safe,




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