85 - Siblings - Part 2 - Modern

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Prompt - maybe you could write about them breaking the news of a new baby to their eldest child (just because you asked for ideas, is not necessary if you don't like it 😅) modern times are my favorite, but whatever will be fine









"Anne, you and I can do this all day, but the fact of the matter remains that your mother is going to have another baby." Francis huffs. Anne -the four year old, most rambunctious and sassy child in the entire freaking world- huffs right back, folding her arms around herself roughly, every inch as stubborn as her mother had been at that age. She pouts up at him, big eyes widening, every inch her father's daughter.

"But I don't want another sibling!" she wined loudly at her father. Francis rose a brow "James is bad enough!" she proclaimed, pointing at her twin brother as he sat on their mothers' lap. His eyebrows rose and his jaw dropped, dark eyes opening wide at the accusation.

"Hey!" he protests loudly. "That's mean, and you're worse than me!" he says, looking up at his mother, who could barely hold in her laugh. She turned away from the scene in desperation not to make the situation worse by laughing.

"Am not!" Anne cries back. "Who was the one who cried when auntie Kenna said that we couldn't come over to see the puppy uncle Bash got her 'cause he was too small?" she scoffed.

"And you tried to steal the sapphire necklace uncle Bash got her for their aninversary just 'cause she said you couldn't touch it!" he said right back. Anne's jaw dropped. She began to speak again, but her father cut her off.

"Children, enough." Francis stated, looking from his daughter to his son. Apparently, Mary wasn't the only one who was struggling to keep her amusement at bay. "Anne, apologise."

"No!" she cries out. "It's gonna be all-all icky like Rosie was when she was littler, and it's gonna ruin all my pretty dresses and teddy bears and it's gonna grab at me with gross stuff all over it and-" Francis cut off her rambling again. Mary desperately tried to hide her laughs in James' blonde curls, but it was a loosing fight. Her calm, precious boy was taking this news far better than his boisterous sister.

"Annie, calm down." he chuckled.

"Don't laugh, Daddy!" Anne cried out, outraged. "This is horrible!" she cried, exasperated, pulling at her blonde hair. "It's gonna be covered in gross stuff when it comes out and it's gonna scream and cry all in the night when we can't sleep, and it's gonna have to be washed and changed and be covered in sick and goo and it's gonna be all ugly and wrinkly like an old man and-"

"Anne!" James cried out. "That's so mean!" he shuffled off Mary's lap and knelt at her side, looking down at the little bump that was underneath her oversized, chunky cardigan. "Don't listen to her, baby, she's just being mean." he said to her bump. Mary beamed at him, her heart fluttering at the sight of her eldest -only by thirteen minutes, her daughter liked to add-  touching her belly and talking to it. "You're gonna be cute and small and cuddly." he stated. When James plopped back on his mother's lap after comforting the baby, he stuck his tongue out at his sister.

"See," he snarked. "It's gonna like me better." he grinned as Anne yelped in anger.

"It doesn't even have ears yet, stupid." she scoffed.

"Don't call me stupid!"

"Children!" Francis couldn't even hold back his laughter now. "Enough," he chuckled. "You're gonna have a new baby sibling soon, end of discussion."

James leaned back into Mary's arms, satisfied that he wasn't the one who would get punished from this little outburst. He smiled when Mary wrapped her arms around him. Anne pouted for several minutes in silence.

"Daddy?" she asked.


"Can we send it back?" she asked sweetly.



Tell me little Anne wouldn't act like this! Hope you enjoyed this fun little oneshot! Comment and request in the comments below!

Stay safe,




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