Chapter 18: The Looks

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6:00 pm

"Yui! Come here!" Alyssa said.

"Why?" I said.

"Just come here," she said then she pulled me inside her room then she locked her door.

"Why did you bring me here? Why are you not yet dressed? The ball will start at 7, right?" I said.

"I know! That's why I brought you here," she said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just close your mouth and don't complain. I'll put on some make up on your face and I'll fix your hair to make you look even prettier," she said.


"Hush! I said don't complain. I'm doing this for free, okay?" she smiled widely, "I really want you to remove your cape right now but Yuno doesn't like it," she sighed.

"I don't want either. I don't have much confidence for that," I said.

"Right, right. That's why I'll just put on some makeup on your face, okay?"

I laughed awkwardly.

First, she removed my cape so that it'll be easier for her to move.

Then she put on some big curls on my hair, then she put some white stuff on my face. I look like a ghost.

I really don't know what she's doing but I can't breathe! And it's so sticky.

She put a lot of things on my face then she even combed my eyelashes? I don't know what that is! Then she put some eyelashes on my eyes.

"But I already have eyelashes," I said.

"Shhh! Quiet!" She said. I pouted.

Then she put something in my eyes, and it hurts so much!

"I can't-- A-alyssa," I cried.

"Shhh! Don't cry! Your makeup will be ruined. These are contact lenses, okay? It will not kill you, jeez," she said then she continued putting the lenses in my eyes.

I can't handle it. I feel like I'm going to be blind.

"Ta da! Your eyes are all done! Look at your eyes, it's color gray," she said and so I looked in the mirror and I can't see myself clearly because of my tears.

"We're not yet done, Yui," she said.

Then she put something on my lips and it tastes bad and sticky.

"You can close your eyes if it still hurts," she said so I closed my eyes.

Then she removed the big rolls on my hair and I felt her brushing my hair.

Then she put something behind my ear.

"Do not remove this flower, okay? It really suits you," she said. I nodded.

"Alright! You can open your eyes now," she said so I opened my eyes.

"Uhh... who's that?" I asked.

She laughed, "That's you, Yui! You're so gorgeous! My brother and Yuno might fall in love with you even more," she jokingly said.

"Ah... ha-ha-ha, that's funny," I laughed awkwardly.

"Now, wait me here, I'll just get ready and put some makeup too," she said. I nodded.

I stared at myself in the mirror, "Is this really me? Why do I look different? Why do I have gray eyes? Is it because of that thing Alyssa put in my eyes?"

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