SCP-056 - A Beautiful Person

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Item #: SCP-056

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Item #: SCP-056

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-056 is to be kept in a room of its choosing, with whatever furnishings it expresses desire for. Level 1 personnel and above may interact with SCP-056 at any time they choose, for a time length not exceeding two hours. The subject is to be guarded by a minimum of three (3) security staff at all times, with shift changes every four hours. Each guard is to be armed with non-lethal tranquilizer pistols, loaded with no less than fifteen hundred (1500) microliters of cyclopyrrolone tranquilizer. Any irregularities in personnel and staff developed by extended exposure to SCP-056 will result in psychological examination and relocation to site [DATA EXPUNGED].

The subject is to be allowed access to any object it desires, with the exceptions of weapons, communication devices, an internet connection, and other SCP objects. It may wander in Research Sector ██ as it wills, but never allowed access to floors with exits. In the event of an emergency, or if SCP-056 becomes violent, it is to be subdued and contained within its room if possible. At no time should personnel attempt to harm SCP-056; see Addendum 2-b.

Description: SCP-056 is a being of variable size, gender, and appearance, which changes in response to the environment around it, especially in regards to living and sentient beings. Its most common form is of a handsome man in his middle twenties, dressed in a garb of similar appearance to that of the personnel guarding it but of a higher quality and aesthetic value. However, it has been recorded as taking these forms:

A large, well groomed Labrador Retriever (when exposed to Doctor █████ ████'s dog).

A woman of similar appearance to famous actress Scarlett Johansson when passing by a group of younger female staff.

A female doctor in a white lab coat when speaking with various researchers. When asked to take an IQ test, the subject scored nearly thirty (30) points higher than the highest scoring researcher available.

A male bodybuilder, who was able to lift nearly two-hundred and fifty (250) kilogrammes twice on a bench press machine in the Sector's gym. This was thirty (30) kilogrammes heavier than the strongest security guard's maximum at the time.

A couch of extremely pleasing aesthetic value (when left alone in the subject's room).

These changes will generally occur the moment all people in the area lose focus on the subject, which occurs immediately upon exposure to a new object or person (See Addendum 3). Filming these changes has proved inconsequential, as any viewing the tapes or feed suffer the same momentary confusion. Clothing will also change during this time, though 056 has yet to manifest any sort of tools or weapons.

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