Chapter 29:

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" Blue. What do I wear?"

" I bought us matching outfits."

" Awe."

" When we go in public I want people to know that you're mines."

" Shouldn't the ring and pregnant belly tell it all?"

He smiles and grabs my belly." Yes but not everyone knows that we're together." She smiles from ear to ear. " I want the whole world to know."

She giggles at his words. They make her heart melt.

" I love you baby."

" I love you more."

" I doubt it."

" Who's loved who longer?"

" I have."

He scoffs and laughs. " If you say so." He winks at her.

" Okay. You win...for now. Do you mind if I play a song while I get dressed?"

" Sure."

She goes to the Radio and hooks her phone up to the headphone piece. Life Support by Sam Smith starts blasting.

I've been sleeping with the lights on
Cause the darkness is surrounding you
This is my world, this is my choice
And you're the drug that gets me through

Why is this song so familiar? His whole entire body became so warm.

They both took a shower and headed out. He blinded folded her because he knew that she would see everything. His mom through her a baby shower. Everybody came. All Blue's friends, his family. He already knew everybody would have something slick to say. Back in the school days, people would make fun of Red but Blue always protected her. His friends used to tease him about him being so in love with Red. He can't wait to see all the looks on everyone's face. Who's laughing now?

They finally pull up to his mom's house. It's cars on both sides of the side walk.

" Are we here baby?"

" Yes baby. Don't worry about the door, I will get it."

" Okay." She smiles.

Blue hops out and get Red's door for her. He grabs her hand and helps her out.

" Can I take the blindfold off yet?"

" Not yet baby."

They start walking towards the door. His mother opens the door and he motions for her to be quiet.

" Baby. Don't let me fall okay?"

He laughs. " Never that baby. In fact." He lifts her up and carries her across the lawn.

She laughs out loud. " Baby be careful."

" Okay baby. Are you ready to take your blindfold off?"

" Yes." Her heart raced with excitement.

" Okay. 3...2...1..." He takes it off.

" Surprise!!!!! Congratulations!"

" Ohh! Did you do this? Thank you everyone." She covers her face. She's never had this much attention.

" No. Mama did it."

" Oh there she goes. I can't believe it. His first, last and only." We looked at each other so confused. " I heard y'all that night. I just didn't say anything. What could I say?"

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