Chapter 28

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Hey everyone sorry it's been more than a week. I've been distracted... I just recently found out that my mom has heart failure so I don't know when I'll be updating next. I'm kind of focusing on her right now. But I don't want to keep u waiting too long like before so here's an unfinished chapter. Sorry that I didn't get the chance to finish it but it's better than nothing right?

Hope you guys like it!


Steam rolled along the ground as the Hogwarts train once again made a screeching sound, signaling that it would soon departure the station. Most of the Hogwarts' students were tucked away nicely in their compartments, chatting loudly about what they were going to do over the break.

Outside the train stood four people, standing awkwardly as silence droned on them. Harry stood in front of Ginny, both of them peering at Hermione and Ron with side glances. This was the closest they had been together since they had fought in Potions lesson. Ginny and Harry didn't think they would talk to each other again for a long time. But Harry knew that Hermione missed Ron even if she didn't say it aloud and vice versa.

Breaking the tension that had befallen them, Ginny spoke.

"I'm going to miss you Hermione. You and Harry better come for Christmas or I will be forced to hunt you two down," Ginny said sternly as she pulled Hermione into a tight sisterly hug.

With the tension quickly fading Hermione couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She hugged Ginny back. When the two girls pulled away Ginny quickly said her goodbye to Harry, gave him a kiss, waved goodbye, and ascended the steps of the train; leaving the three friends to speak to one another.

"I'll see you later then mate," Harry said with a goofy grin trying to erase the awkwardness that once again surrounded them.

Hermione shuffled on her feet not looking Ron in the eye. She couldn't look him the eye to be more specific. She was so ashamed of herself, she felt so guilty, and she didn't want to look into his eyes and see his broken heart. She loved him, she would always love him, but those feelings were gone now. Out with the old and in with the new, and Draco was definitely the 'new'.

Harry and Ron gave each other a man hug and patted each other's shoulders. They both had on grins. Although Ron had a hint of a frown and his eyes weren't as bright. His heart was hammering in his chest.

"I um, have to go to the loo," Harry said quickly, gave a nod goodbye, and quickly walked away. Then there were two.

Ron cleared his throat, ready to apologize, but he never got the words out of his mouth before he felt two arms surround his neck. Hermione so overwhelmed with just everything couldn't overpower the temptation to just feel his arms around her. How she missed the feeling, the warmth, the familiarity!

She snuggled her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, tears cascading down her face. Stupid tears, she wanted to shout. But they were more of happy tears. Yes she had in a way chosen Draco over Ron but Ron would always be her first crush, her first love. And because of that he would always, always have a place in her heart. In addition Hermione just missed him period. She missed his impulsiveness, his obviousness, his daftness, she missed it all. She wanted things to be the same; when it was just her, Harry, and Ron, the Golden Trio, against the world, against everyone, everything. She missed that terribly so.

Ron slowly wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his face into her golden locks. It felt the same but at the same time completely different. They were both the same people but they had both grown, both changed. They stood in each other's embrace as Ron rubbed circles on her back trying to stop the sobs that racked her body. She shook in his arms as her tears came streaming down and he wanted nothing more than to take away the pain he had caused her, them.

The train again blew its horn, steam rolling in waves around the now empty station, everyone else aboard. Hermione finally pulled away and wiped her eyes, still avoiding Ron's eyes, his crystal blue eyes.

"Hermione, will you please look at me?" Ron asked but it sounded like a plea as his voice was thick with emotions.

Hesitantly she did as he asked. Their gazes met and she saw how behind the twinkling of his beautiful eyes, there was sadness, something she had caused. And although Ron had cheated on her, she couldn't really fault him in that. They were broken up and she, well she wasn't the innocent party either. She did some things while she was away too.

Hermione guessed that just the thought of Ron going back out with Lavender, although she was kind of friends with her, was grotty. And also just seeing him with Lavender as soon as she arrived back in school, kind of set her off. She didn't really like the thought of Ron being with someone that wasn't her. With her new powers, she wasn't as stable and rational as she once was and so she did go a bit over the top.

Ron wiped away her falling tears. His lips were pursed and his eyebrows were drawn downwards. He opened his mouth to say something only to close it once more. He took in a deep breath and gave Hermione a small, almost miniscule, smile. He then kissed her gently on her forehead.

"We'll be alright, we'll work it out," Ron managed to say and he was dead serious. He and Hermione were going to work out whatever massive disaster had resulted between them. They were going to be okay.

Hermione was speechless. She had heard the conviction and determination in his voice. She couldn't help but think that Ron, her Ron, was finally growing up and putting on some big boy pants. She didn't think she had ever heard him sound more mature and more sure of himself than in that moment.

"I will make sure it will be okay," Ron looked Hermione dead set in the eyes. He pulled her in his arms again, wanting to feel her warmth, her touch, her love. He pulled away.

He walked towards the steps of the train and clutched onto the rail. He put one foot on the step but then turned sideways to look at Hermione. Hermione couldn't help but be caught off guard by how his blue eyes seemed to reflect that of sapphire and sparkled intelligently.

"I love you Hermione," He stated, so sure of himself, so completely honest. "I will always love you."

With those words he boarded the train and instantly like a crescendo of high pitched sounds, the horn once again whistled, steam spread. It wrapped around Hermione's legs seeming to consume her entire being, wrapping her in a cocoon of smoke.

She watched the train leave the station and disappear. Her heart heavy.

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