Chapter 30

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Hey everyone Im glad to say that this story is almost over! And the next installment will written soon afterwards. Also this chapter is like  a set up kind of for the second book in the trilogy and the Interquel. Again sorry for the lateness.


Oh and a shoutout to all my new fans!

ALSO: YAY We survived DEC 21!


Draco stood there, his wand still pointed outwards aimed towards the figure that had disappeared only moments ago. Hermione stirred but did not wake, and he was thankful for that. If she had woken he would’ve had a hard time explaining why his wand was pointed directly at her.

He slowly lowered his wand as he peered around him. He sweated profusely and his heart hammered uncomfortably in his chest as his senses were thrust into overdrive. He shuffled around somewhat and his foot hit a pot of one of the hundreds of lilies within the small space. He jumped out of his skin and scolded himself mentally when he realized it was nothing.

As he slowed his racing heart and took deep breaths he finally seemed to allow himself to relax; the intruder was gone. He took a few more steps near Hermione making sure she was alright and unscathed. She seemed to be glowing with an unnatural healthiness, and because of that she seemed more radiant.

Draco sighed softly to himself and allowed his eyes to linger on her face for a few more moments. Forcing himself to look away he transformed one of the flowers into a comfy chair besides Hermione. If she were to wake, he would be the first she would see. Exhausted and drained, Draco took a seat and let his muscles relax.

He sat back, finding the chair to be much more comfortable than he would’ve thought previously. Knowing that he had protected Hermione, somewhat, put his troubled mind at ease. He tried to stay awake as his eyelids kept on drooping. He was scared that, that unknown figure would reappear and do something to Hermione. Like kiss her again.

What was that supposed to be anyways? Draco asked himself. Why would that person kiss her? Twice? How did that person even get past security? Most importantly, who was that person and what did they want with Hermione?

As those questions swirled within his mind the darkness finally took over and forced him into its black abyss. Draco slumped in his seat.


Hermione awoke and yawned, stretching. She was still tired but her mind had woken her from her sleep. The only thing she remembered from her dreams was a figure with green, or was it blue, eyes and blonde hair.  She didn’t even know what time it was but if she had to guess it was late. She looked out the window and saw that it was pitch black outside. She turned her head and was surprised when she saw a sleeping Draco in a chair besides her. She sat up and put her legs over the edge so they hovered above the ground.

Her vision went hazy and there was an odd pounding in her head. She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head. She blinked rapidly, clearing her vision. Soon she was fine once more. But she did question what had come over her. She felt odd, like she was supposed to remember something. She just couldn’t put her finger on what exactly it was supposed to be.

She then put her focus back on Draco. Her head tilted sideways as she studied him. He looked so cute as he slept. He didn’t have a scowl on his face and his lips weren’t drawn down into a frown or smirk. He looked so childlike and innocent. Hermione wondered why he was here.

She stood.

“Draco,” She whispered, her hand hovering just above his.

Mustering up the courage she allowed her hand to touch his and gently shook him. Still he did not wake. Her hand traveled upwards to his arm and shook him kindly. Still he was fast asleep.

“Draco,” She whispered his name once more, trying to awake him. But he wouldn’t budge. Her hand went to his shoulder and shook it. “Draco, Draco…Draco?”

Still he did not wake. She leaned closer to him so that they were face to face. She stared at him. She knew that anytime someone stared at her when she slept, she would wake up shortly after. On cue, he began to stir. When he slowly opened his eyes he was surprised to see a pair of hazel eyes looking back at him. He almost jumped from fright until he realized who it was that had awaken him from his deep slumber.

Hermione stood back up and Draco let out an involuntary yawn which in turn caused Hermione to yawn as well. Draco blinked his eyes to get rid of the drowsiness. He didn’t think he had slept that long until he looked out the window and noticed the color of the sky. Then again it was winter and the sun did set earlier than usual. However he was still clueless as to what time it could be.

“I’m sorry I woke you. I just didn’t think you would like sleeping in the library alone at night. It can get a bit frightening when you’re all by yourself,” Hermione explained.

Draco straightened his posture.

“I’m not scared of the dark,” Was his simple, manly reply.

“You shouldn’t be by yourself at night,”

Hermione wished to roll her eyes at his stupidity. Did he not know the evil that was born from darkness, that emerged from it? She asked herself. Then again he probably didn’t. she had read numerous books about darkness in her home library. You never truly knew the dangers it could bring. While you could confront it, it was a must to be afraid if you contained any thread of common sense and brain cells.

She turned away and began to walk towards the great hall, hoping that she wasn’t too late for supper. She didn’t even give Draco another glance as she walked away. Draco noticing her robotic manner instantly shot up and followed after her.

“You always walk around by yourself at night,” He added as he walked beside her.

“Yes, well, I can handle it,”

“And I cant?” Draco asked, straightening his tie.

“No,” Hermione replied, plain and simple. She didn’t bother to look at him, she just kept on walking forward. Her thoughts were cloudy. She knew she was forgetting something, or rather someone.

“I beg to differ, Granger,” Draco shot back, annoyed that she thought him so weak of a man. He scoffed, he couldn’t handle the dark?

“Beg all you wish,”

Draco rose an eyebrow, still keeping her pace. He was put off by her behavior. Usually when they would talk or rather argue, she would look him in the eye, but venom in her words. But now she just seemed completely distant.

“Are you alright Granger?”

Hermione on the other hand had tuned him out as she tried to assess her thoughts. Her dreams tried to tell her something, but she couldn’t remember them. She shook her head, shutting her eyes. The only thing she could remember were those blue or green eyes, she couldn’t remember which color, and blonde hair.

It wasn’t Draco in my dreams, was it? She asked herself. She shook her head once more. It couldn’t be.

“Granger? Earth to Granger?” Draco tried to catch her attention. “Hermione?”

Hermione seemed to finally snap out of it and she turned to look at Draco. She hadn’t even realized that she had stopped walking in the middle of the corridor. Draco had a raised eyebrow and seemed a bit troubled, but overall he was just curious to know why Hermione was acting strange, at least more than usual.

“Hmm?” She replied.

Draco stared at her for a few moments longer. He wondered if he should tell her that he found a unknown figure kissing her. He decided it was best not to, he didn’t want to freak her out.

“Nothing,” He replied. He faced forward and glanced to the side at Hermione. “Are we going to the Great Hall then?”

“Uh, y-yes,” She stuttered and both resumed walking.

As their footsteps echoed, Hermione seemed to finally remember something.

“Why are you here Draco? Weren’t you going home for the break?” She asked, curious. “And why were you sleeping in the library to begin with?”

Draco chuckled lightly to himself a small smile on his face. He didn’t understand Hermione one bit, and he liked it like that.

“I came to tell you I was staying, but I found you sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you so I decided to just wait until you woke. I fell asleep instead though,” He explained.

Hermione nodded, “That’s good.”

“What is?”

“You slept. You need your sleep and you never seem to get enough of it.”

“Yes, well then I guess it’s a good thing.”

“So why did you decide to stay?” She questioned.

Draco straightened his back and stood taller. He cleared his throat.

“To continue my plan on winning you over of course. I can’t very well do that when I am at home in my sodding manor, now can I?” He asked her with a grin.

“Oh yes, I remember, your plan to win my trust and whatnot. How is that working for you so far?”

“I’m not sure, you tell me,” He replied, “But from what I can tell, I’m getting closer to my goal every minute that passes.”

“Don’t be so confident Malfoy, I’m not that easy,” Hermione replied with a laugh.

“Tell me you aren’t glad I’m staying. I know you’re happy that I’m here, Granger,” Draco said.

Happy that I’m here, happy that I’m here, happy … I’m here, you’re happy that I’m here…I’m here…Instantly Hermione was seized by a memory, but it was still hazy.

The sun filtered through the trees. Hermione sat on a blanket in the middle of a park. Children were playing, people were laughing, and dogs were barking. Hermione sat reading a book. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting her skin soak up the rays of the blazing ball of fire in the sky. She sighed.

She missed him, really missed him. The boy she had grown to like, to love in the short time they had known each other. She wanted him here by her side, but he had left her. He had gone back home, she was alone now.

She sighed once more. She opened her eyes and resumed reading her thick novel. She read and read and turned a page after the next. She was consumed with the words, but her loneliness still lingered within her.

She continued to read under the sun until a shadow came over her. Annoyed she looked up and blinked rapidly, the sun too bright as the figure before her was simply a darkened outline of a person. Finally her eyes adjusted and she was speechless. Her heart hammered in her chest.

“W-what are you doing here?” She stuttered.

The boy before her smiled his thousand watt smile.

“Reminding myself what an idiot I was for thinking I could leave without you,” The boy said chuckling, he knelt down so that he was in front of her.

“L-le-” she tried to say but was tongue tied.

“Don’t pretend that you aren’t glad to see me,” He said looking her right in the eyes. Hermione was breathless.  He leaned in closer to her, their faces just centimeters apart. “I know you’re happy that I’m here,” He said softly as his lips came into contact with hers.

It felt like a bucket of ice cold water was poured on top of Hermione. Her memory was missing a lot of pieces. Who was that boy in her memories? She didn’t even know, although she had a feeling that she should’ve known who he was, that he held a very special place in her heart.

“You’re speechless, I take it that you are then,” Draco continued to speak.

“W-what?” Hermione asked confused for the moment. What had they just been talking about?

“I know you’re happy that I’m here,” Draco repeated.
“In your dreams Malfoy,” She replied, still on edge.

She was missing something important. Had someone stolen her memories? She asked herself.

Happy that I’m here, I know youre happy, youre happy…I’m here, I know youre happy…I’m here…


In the Great Hall…

Theodore Nott Jr. and Harry James Potter sat across from one another, both clueless as to what to talk about. What was there to talk about? It was just an intense awkwardness surrounding the two of them. Without Hermione to break the ice, they seemed completely helpless.

“Uh, so, Potter, why did you decide to stay for break?” Theodore ventured to ask, trying to make small talk.

Harry cleared his throat.

“Well Hermione asked me to stay with her. We were supposed to stay at her house, but her parents went-”

“To America. Yeah I heard,” Theo said, finishing Harry’s sentence.

Again silence seemed to spread between the two. Harry looked around, seeing that there weren’t many students that stayed behind. It was a silent supper.

“Why did you decide to stay?” Harry asked in return, hating the silence.

“Well my father is kind of a low life, didn’t really want to go home,” Theo expounded.

Harry nodded his head, what was there to say after that?

“Where do you think Hermione went?” Theo asked, looking around the room for Hermione, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. He was worried about her, but he knew she could handle herself.

“I don’t know, she may be in the library. Last I saw her that’s where she was heading.”

“Do you think we should go get her?”
“No, I’m sure she’s alright.”

And as if on cue, Hermione walked in through the open doors of the Great Hall. Harry and Theodore visibly relaxed with her appearance. However what they were not prepared to see was Draco Malfoy walking beside her.

Draco looked at the tables and instantly spotted Potter and Theo. He groaned to himself. He forgot that those two were here as well. What fazed him more was that Potter and Theo were sitting across from each other.

Hermione quickly walked towards the two, instantly forgetting her new found memory and hazy thoughts. She could figure that out later. Right now she had to keep her eye on the prize, and that prize was restoring the Gaunt Manor.

“Good evening Harry, Teddy,” Hermione greeted sitting next to Theo.

“Really Hermione, again with that name,” Theo complained jokingly.

“Stop pretending like you hate it,” Hermione replied with a carefree smile. Leave it to her Teddy to put a smile on her face and make her forget her troubles. He really had become a good friend of hers, a close friend.

Hermione glanced up and saw Draco standing to the side, a bit behind Harry. He seemed uneasy and greatly uncomfortable. Harry seeing her line of eyesight, followed it and saw Draco. Both boys seemed to stare each other down. Hermione rolled her eyes.

“Honestly you two, if you weren’t so childish, you two would truly make the best of friends,” Hermione sighed aloud. Teddy held back a chuckle at Draco’s pained look.

“Me, friends with Potter? Ha, over my dead body,” Draco scoffed.

“Don’t forget you owe Harry your life Draco,” Hermione ventured to add. With that Draco lost his arrogant look but still had dislike written all over his face. Hermione thought that must’ve counted for something. “The least you can do is be civil with one another.”

“You cant really expect him to change Hermione,” Harry added. Him and Draco friends? That was like comparing them to a cat and a mouse. Eventually one would eat the other and Harry was sure that he would be the one eaten. He wasn’t scared of Malfoy, if anything he pitied him and disliked him to some extreme extents.

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do Potter. Just because you think you defeated the Dark Lord and ended the war and have the damn scar on your head, doesn’t make you better than me,” Draco snarled, reverting back to his eleven year old self.

To be honest, Draco didn’t always hate Harry. He wanted them to be friends once upon a time, and Harry had saved Draco’s life a few times. Draco just felt that Harry had it all so easy, he envied him and respected him.

Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry sighed.

“Must you revert back into the child you once were Malfoy? I thought you matured more than that, unless I was wrong. If I’m not will you please just take the seat besides Harry. I would like to eat my dinner in peace,” Hermione told Draco sternly. She was mentally exhausted. Although she had just woken from a nap, her mind hadn’t shut itself off during that time and was still functioning in overdrive.

Draco reluctantly took the seat besides Harry, but he made sure to scoot away some form him. He didn’t want to catch whatever stupid and reckless disease Harry seemed to have since first year.

Hermione noticed how Draco put extra distance between himself and Harry and she couldn’t hold back an eye roll. Harry just shook his head to himself and Theo found it all so amusing.

“So where were you two?” Theo asked.

“In the library, I fell asleep and Draco did too when he came looking for me,” She replied as she began eating.

Theodor blinked once, the twice.

“That reminds me, why are you here Drake? I thought you were going home, last I checked,” Theo asked.

“My parents are busy preparing for the party. Mother thought I would just get in the way so they told me to just stay here,” Draco lied smoothly between his teeth. He was sad that he had to lie to Theo and Hermione, but it was a must. They couldn’t find out about the Dark lord, especially Hermione. Theodore on the other hand was bound to find out soon enough from his father. That is if his father bothered enough to tell him.

Theodore nodded his head, though he had the gut feeling that, that wasn’t the reason why Draco stayed behind. There went Theodore’s plan of spending alone time with Hermione.

“Um, Mione?” A timid voice asked, interrupting the odd circle of people.

Hermione turned behind her to see none other than Rome Montague. She smiled kindly at him. She always wanted a little brother and he was just too adorable.

“Yes, Rome?” She asked him, almost in a mother like way.

“May I sit with you?” He asked her shyly. “ My friends all went home and I’m all by myself.”

Hermione’s heart just melted.

“Of course you can,” She replied patting the spot right between her and Theo.

Theo shot her a look and she just looked right back. He sighed and scooted over, hating the kid even more. He was surprised that the kid had the audacity to make him move and to take his seat next to Hermione. Draco saw the pissed off look on Theo’s face and chuckled silently to himself. Served him right, he thought.

“So what do you guys want to do tomorrow? Seeming that we’ll probably be spending quite some time with one another. Maybe then Harry and Draco can finally get along and stop acting so childish,” Hermione decided to add that in. Both Harry and Draco shot her a look.

“I’d like to see how this will turn out,” Theo added, putting in his two galleons.

“Hogsmeade, probably, what else is there to do?” Draco muttered. There wasn’t a lot to do.

“True…” Hermione trailed off. “However in a few days, Harry and I will be leaving.”

“To where, may I ask?” Theo asked.

“The burrow,” Hermione relied easily. Harry kept on his poker face.

“Are you two coming back afterwards? How long will you two be gone?” Theo continued to question her.

“A few days, maybe a week. We’ll probably come back after Draco’s Christmas Eve Ball.”

“How did you get permission to leave?”

“Headmistress McGonagall.”

“Well then…”

“As much fun as this is, I’m bored. And sitting next to Potter has made me lose my appetite. I’ll be going,” Draco said getting up quickly and leaving.

Harry shook his head and Hermione sighed. Those two…could they ever be friends? Was it even humanly possible? She asked herself.

“You reckon he’s alright?” Theo asked aloud.

“He must be tired is all,” Hermione replied as she watched Draco’s figure disappear.

“Looks like he left this behind,” Theo said, reaching across the table and picking up a green lily, just as intoxicating and extraordinary like the first one she was gifted with earlier. He handed it to her and she gently took it into her own hands.

Draco…could he be? Was he…?

I know youre happy that I’m here…

Youre happy…

I’m here…

I know…

I’m here…

The same line continued to echo in her mind bringing her back to her earlier troubled thoughts. Who was that boy in her memory, was it Draco, or was it simply a dream, a figment of her imagination?

“Hermione, are you alright? Sure you feel okay?” Theodore asked, seeing Hermione turn pale and her eyes dilate, distant from reality.

“I-I’m okay,” She stuttered. “I’m just tired still. I think I’m going to turn in early tonight too. Catch you in the morning.”

With those words she got up and exited.

Once inside the chambers she picked up her pace and made her way into the Slytherin Common room. She looked around, hoping to see Draco, but he was nowhere in sight. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. Taking one last peek around the room she headed towards her personal dorm room.

As she lay in bed images flashed in her mind like a slideshow and quickly her memories that she didn’t even know she had lost in the first place began to slowly filter back in. however it would still take some time before she regained all of it and truly remembered the person she had forgotten.


So are you confused yet? lol. dont worry everything will be resolved in due time.

Gives You Hell (Dramione Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora