Stormy Nights

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Sorry if the chapter is all over the place. I wrote it all in between studying for exams. But they're done now so hopefully lots of updates!!! Enjoy :D xx oh and song to side...

3 Weeks Later

We’d settled in so well, it genuinely surprised me. Waseem was a really cool guy. He was the vice president of a hotel so he worked for most of the day; meaning we had the house to ourselves most of the time. But when he was around, he and Ayaan and Liam had a field day.

The house was even more incredible. It was all wood on the inside with windows covering every wall to let in warm sunlight. There was cream furniture and a big kitchen, and it just made it all seem like a dream.

Liam and Emma shared the bungalow next door since there were no restrictions on them living together and Ayaan and I got the one with Waseem.

During the day, I spent my time at the local girl’s school. I volunteered and helped them learn about school but also went over a lot of religious stuff with them since it was a big part of the curriculum. Emma came with me to pass the time.

We made good friends with the staff there and it felt incredible to help out. The school wasn’t as subsidized as schools were in the UK.

Ayaan and Liam on the other hand spent their days rebuilding homes because of the heavy rains and a small hurricane that tore through the city.

Today was Saturday so no school for us. Emma loved to cook so I was learning from her. She was preparing for lunch while I prayed real quickly.

The men were gone shopping for groceries since Emma said she wouldn’t make food unless she had her “instruments to success.”

“It’s bloody hot,” she groans, fanning herself in between chopping potatoes.

“It’s hot to us. For them, it’s winter,” I point out.

“Where’re the blokes?”

“They should be back soon shouldn’t they? They’ve been gone for like half an hour,” I shrug.

“How’re things between you two?” she asks over her shoulder.

I sit down on a barstool with an apple. “What do you mean?”

“Like, is married life going okay so far? Like, it all happened so fast you know. I reckon you two must be a little overwhelmed,” she asks with concern.

“No, Emmy everything’s good. We don’t really have to worry about anything now so it kind of just feels like a vacation I guess,” I shrug again.

“You’re so chill about everything,” she throws a potato peel at me. A weird squeal comes out of me, making her laugh. “There we go! True fear!”

“You suck,” I frown. Wiping my face in paranoia. I can still feel it’s damn coldness.

“We’re back!” Liam calls from the doorway.

“Guys, there’s a storm warning for tonight,” Waseem says, dropping the bags on the counter in front of me.

“What’s that going to mean?” Emma asks.

“If it does happen, everything is usually closed and they tell us to stay indoors since too many people get hurt,” he explains.

“How long does it last?” I ask.

“The longest storm we had a couple months ago was three days. But it could be a couple minutes for all we know. I’m going to head to the hotel after dinner though in case we do have a storm. I’ll have to be there to help out,” he tells Ayaan and I specifically. “If you guys would like you can come with me. Otherwise, Uncle Hassan is there,” he says, referring to the nice old man who lived across the street from us.

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