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I've had a really rough week guys so sorry for the crappy epilogue. Thanks so much once again to everyone who voted and commented on this story. It means the world and I hope to see you all once again on my other stories too :)

P.S. a lot of people have asked for another grandiose bollywood story. Would you like that? Let me know!

“Be careful Ayaan!” I yell when he slides a box towards the door.

“Saf, I love you but shut up,” he yells back before placing the last box by the door. I watch him stalk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. He sees me watching him and smirk, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

 I roll my eyes and go back to marking my students’ essays.

“Are you feeling any better?” he asks as he plops on the sofa beside me. The movement makes me groan a little and he mutters a sorry.

“I’m good,” I wave him off. This morning was a nauseating one.

“Do you want me to go get something?”

“No, I’ll be okay. It happens, don’t worry,” I reassure him.

“What do you want for lunch then?”

“Can we keep it light? Maybe salad?”

“I’ll grab you a chicken salad. Be back soon,” he kisses my cheek before heading to the door. “Allah hafiz!” he calls out before I hear the door shut.

I count to three and then run to the bathroom. I grab my box of pads and pull out the little box I’d hid here. Pulling out the stick, I sit down on the toilet and wait.

I’d been on and off sick for a week and missed my period last month. Aisha bhabhi told me to take a test.

The next three minutes were excruciating. I sit tight and pray that whatever happens, happens for the good.

Waiting a couple seconds more, I peek at the stick.

Two lines. Two lines.

A squeal comes out of me before I start jumping around like a lunatic.

A million questions run through my brain but the idea that there was someone inside of me makes me freeze.

We weren’t planning on having kids till a year or two when our jobs were settled. I mean, we finished law school two days ago; we were barely lawyers yet.

I quickly wash up and pray to thank God for even blessing me such. Many people around the world never get to experience this joy and I am, at such a perfect time too.

We were moving back home, with our family around us and people who support us. This baby was a blessing in disguise.

“Last day in our home for the last four years. And last words?” Ayaan jokes as I change in the closet. I would tell him now. And we’d start the next part of our lives with more joy than we could imagine.

I walk out in my PJ’s and sit down on the bed beside him. The room was empty and I felt a pang of sadness at leaving a place in which we created such priceless memories.

“What’re you hiding?” he asks outwardly.

“What?” I laugh, “how’d you figure that?”

“I know your hiding face. Am I going to have to hide a dead body for you?” he says completely calmly.

Aww, at least I know he’d support me in a murder too.

Through The Dark (Al-Ameen Family #1)- An Islamic Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now