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Since that day students were given the day off, it was perfect for (Y/n) to try and talk to Bakugo. She decided to spend the day at her grandparent's house since they lived so close to Bakugo's home, also so she could tell them about the progress she's making with her quirk. At around six in the morning, she woke up to get her bag and go to her grandparents' since she didn't know when and if Bakugo would be running or not.

I could text him, but he would he text back? she thought. No, I'll just talk to him in person.

(Y/n) was walking to her grandparents, looking at her phone when she saw Bakugo running across the street. 

Should I talk to him? she thought, attempting to avoid making eye contact with him. Would that be creepy?

Then she missed her chance when she saw he was already running back. She sighed and finished the walk to her grandparents' house, arriving at around 6:30 am. She had spent the day with them, telling them about her progress in training and the USJ incident the previous day. 

"So, you and Katsuki seem to be getting close," her grandmother pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess so." (Y/n) shrugged.

"Should we be expecting a romantic date in the future?" her grandfather asked, wiggling his eyebrows as he spoke.

"Ah! No, I don't know how he feels, we haven't really talked about feelings... ever," she responded, blushing slightly at the thought of it.

Later in the day, (Y/n) had to change the bandage on her head when her grandparents informed her that they ran out of gauze a week before and needed to get more. She suggested she go get some from the nearby convenience store and she'd grab some drinks as well if they wanted.

After agreeing and giving her some money to go buy them drinks and gauze, she grabbed her backpack and left the house. Right as she was closing the gate, she felt a hand grab her shoulder, causing her to spin around.

"Jeez, sorry, I forgot how jumpy you are," Bakugo said, letting (Y/n) relax a little, seeing his familiar face. "I saw you this morning during my run and figured you'd be going to your grandparents' house."

"That seems a little creepy."

"Well clearly it wasn't to see me," he shrugged, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck.

"Actually--" (Y/n) started before being cut off by her grandma out the window.

"Katsuki, is that you?!" she yelled.

"Yeah, it's me," he responded chuckling a little as he noticed (Y/n)'s obvious embarrassment, relishing in it as he played along in the little game.

"Are you here to take our granddaughter on a little date?" she asked, leaning against the windowsill.

"Ah! Grandma!" (Y/n) yelled, waving her off and grabbing Bakugo's arm, dragging him away from the gate.

"What did your grandma mean 'on a little date'?" he asked once she had stopped dragging him.

"I told her about USJ and my quirk process and she thinks we're together now." (Y/n) shrugged, realizing what she said and immediately turning beet red. "Not that we are..."

"Does she know that you pecked my cheek yesterday?" he questioned, turning a little red at the memory of it.


"Well then why does she think we're together?"

"I honestly have no idea," she laughed. "I'm going to the convenience store to grab drinks and gauze, wanna come?"

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