thirty-seven. (part 3/4)

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As the three walked down the hallway, (Y/n) couldn't help but have a bad feeling. She kept her arms crossed, gripping onto her sides and pulling slightly at the smooth fabric of her dress. 

"Hey moron," Bakugo said to Kirishima as they walked down one of the hallways, "you're absolutely positive you're going the right direction?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure we are," Kirishima responded while looking around.

"You're pretty sure?!"

"Well I left my phone back in the room so we're going on instinct here," Kirishima nervously said as Bakugo grew angrier.

"Yeah I left my phone in the room, too," (Y/n) added as she looked ahead, not seeing a party.

"Why don't you try and sense them?" Kirishima asked her, noticing her eyes glowing blue.

"I tried but it's really hard, the walls are thick, it's blocking my quirk," (Y/n) explained as her eyes returned to normal.

"That's kinda weird," Bakugo said as she tried again.

As she tried to find the party or even the others, it felt like someone had just smashed a brick against her face all of a sudden. "Agh!"

"What happened?" Bakugo asked as he grabbed her arm she came out of her sense state, her nose beginning to bleed and her losing her balance.

"I don't know," she responded as she wiped the blood against her hand, careful not to get it on her dress. "I was able to see a little for a second, then it felt like someone had suddenly slammed a door in my face."

"Now that's really weird," Bakugo said as he helped her regain her balance.

"I wonder what happened," Kirishima thought out loud.

"It's probably nothing," Bakugo said. "Maybe it's your quirk acting up."

"Probably," (Y/n) said as she thought about it. "Or maybe something went wrong."

"That's not gonna happen," Bakugo reassured her. "There's a ton of pros down at the party and we can fight as well. Nothing's gone wrong."

"Okay." She nodded as they entered one of the rooms.

It was a plant factory on the eightieth floor. As they entered, (Y/n) felt something on the floor. Something very wrong.

"Hey, we see you, stupid kids!" some guy yelled to the three of them as they came more into the room.

"What'd you say, you bastard?" Bakugo asked them after seeing the two villains.

"What're you three doing here?" the other villain asked them.

"That's what I wanna know, too--"

"Hey man, just leave this to me, okay?" Kirishima said as he held Bakugo back and went up to the two villains. "We got lost looking for this party, can you maybe point us in the right direction?"

(Y/n) then noticed how these guys were dressed and began to walk in front of Kirishima, holding her hands out towards them. "This isn't good."

"Don't lie to me or you'll regret it!" one villain yelled as he threw a blast at them.

(Y/n) jumped in front of Kirishima and shoved him back, throwing up a forcefield to protect them. "Watch out!" she yelled as she held her hands up. 

"Hey, watch out!" Bakugo yelled as he ran up to the two.

"Kirishima!" Midoriya yelled as he popped out of the bushes.

Suddenly a huge icicle came up and blocked the blast, pushing (Y/n) back and causing the three to see the group.

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