Chapter - 22 The dance time!

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She had taken just one bite of the dark chocolate pastry when a male voice  called her name.


It was so unexpected and sudden that she choked on the bite she had in her mouth. The guy who was responsible for this misery of hers gently patted on her back so as to ease her choking throat. Once recovered she turned around to look at the culprit.


"Hi." he smiled at her shocked expression. "Sorry, I scared you just now."

"What are you doing here?" asked Eva.

" I am here for some business. I work in an ad agency. We imagine, we create and promote other people's brands and businesses. Since you know that I am quite a charming person and a smooth talker so my company sent me here to promote the company and get some clients." he said giving a cheesy smile.

"You missed the good looking part." Eva laughed.

"Oh yeah I'm good looking too. By the way, Who are you here with?"

"My boss."

"Oh! That guy. Since he interrupted our plans that time -"

" I am really sorry about that."

" I will accept your apology only if you give me the honour to dance with you."

"Ok. Sure." she smiled back.
She had never felt at ease around Liam Richardson but this guy was different, she realised. He was easy going and sweet unlike someone who had left her alone after asking her to be by his side.

Just then she felt an arm snaking around her waist and that nearly made her jump out of her skin.

"What are you doing here?" she heard the very familiar voice whose owner was  haunting her dreams from the past few weeks.

"Nothing." she replied at a loss for words.

" I have something to discuss with my assistant so excuse us." said Liam. And before Mark could say anything Liam was already propelling her in the opposite direction. Though it wasn't like Mark's agreement or disagreement with his words would have stopped Liam from carrying out his will, she realised.

His hand at the small of her back was making her nervous. The warmth from  his hand was penetrating through the cloth of her gown and was reaching straight to her skin.

"Do you remember what I told you while entering this place?"he finally asked.

"Uh... to stay by your side.." she said carefully unsure if that was the answer to his question.

"Do you ever listen to anyone's instructions, Miss Rose?"
The way he said her name so softly looking down at her was making her stomach grumble but for an entirely different reason.

"I was by your side." she protested and Liam raised a mocking brow.
"I- I mean for the first 5 minutes at least but then you got surrounded by your colleagues and..." her voice trailed off a little.


"And then I saw the food counter." she said in a very soft voice as that of a child being scolded.
"I was hungry."  she flushed guiltily but then she remembered the most important thing that she needed to remind to the person in front of her.
"It's all thanks to a certain someone that I did not even had the time for my lunch."

"Are you complaining, Ms Rose?" he raised his brows challengingly.

'Yes!!' Eva screamed in her head but wasn't confident or courageous enough to say it out loud. So with a forced and cheesy smile she said,"No. I wouldn't dare, Mr Richardson. After all you are the kindest boss on the face of earth."

"Really?" he asked mockingly,"Was that a compliment?"

"I am not sure either." she shrugged her shoulders. And then started a war of wills in which they both stared at each other neither of them wanting to give up until they were interrupted by someone...

"Mr Liam Richardson!"

"Oh! Hello, Mr Williams." Liam greeted the old man and nodded respectfully at the lady by his side.

"Who is this beautiful lady with you?" asked the old woman.

"She is my assistant, Evangeline Rose." Liam introduced Eva to the elderly couple.

"Hello."Eva smiled at them.

Men started their talks of stocks again but during this whole conversation Eva noticed one thing. Every time in between the conversation the old man would look at his wife and smile. She could see the love in their eyes and something sweet developed inside her. She never had a boyfriend because her parents were very strict and boyfriend was a big 'No' for her until she turned 18. By the time she reached that age she realised it wasn't just a fling that she had wanted. Rather she was looking for something deeper. Deeper than the physical intimacy. She wanted love.

The old couple today reminded her of her parents and their peek-a-boo game she used to witness. She smiled at the memory. Maybe one day, she thought she will too find someone whom she could love... who could love her in return. Someone who could reciprocate her feelings. Her eyes shifted to Liam as if their own accord and it was then that she realised,'Why the heck am I looking at him!'

"The dance is going to start soon. Do you want to join?" asked the old lady interrupting Eva's thoughts.

Before Eva could refuse Liam answered for both of them.
"Yes, of course. After you, please."

The next minute Eva knew she was on the dancefloor moving to the soft beats of the music with Liam. She could feel the heat emnanting from his body and the smell of his colongue. His hand with which he held hers felt so strong. She could feel the strength of his shoulder which was covered by the tailored suit. She wondered how it would feel to really be able to touch the hard contours of his skin...

'Eva! you need to stop thinking about such indecent things!' she chided herself.

To distract her mind from the these wayward thoughts she decided to engage in a conversation. At least that would be safer than having indecent thoughts about her own boss, she decided.

"Do you always dance in such business dinners?" she asked.

If her doubts regarding his sexuality hadn't been cleared then she would have imagined Alex and Liam dancing together. Her imagination made her chuckle.

"Leash your wild horses, Miss Rose." Liam ordered.


"I said leash the horses of your wild imagination."

" I wasn't thinking anything!" she answered avoiding eye contact.
'Damn! I need to be careful because this guy can read minds!'

She cleared her throat and asked,"Why did you agree to the old couple? I mean I had no idea that you could dance so well."

"It's something you need to know while moving in business circles and especially when people expect you to know everything. As for the old couple they have a land which I want to buy to make a resort so saying no to them would have done no good." he answered.

"Oh...that makes you sound like a very... scheming person." said Eva.

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