Chapter - 15 Calling of karma

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"Congrats Eva! Today is your death day." she said to herself before taking steps towards CEO's office. From a distance she saw Alex taking the old lady with him to his cabin. Eva was glad that at least she wouldn't have to face the old lady again who might as well have some words to say to her which Eva was sure she had no heart of hearing at the moment.

She stood outside the CEO's office door and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. And that was when she realised that the maximum number of times she had taken such deep breaths was here, in front of this door. She might as well take a mat and do some yoga and meditation here at the CEO's doorstep but she was still sure that even yoga and meditation would not be enough to calm her whenever she will come face to face with Liam Richardson.

She gathered all her courage and knocked at the door before finally entering only to come to an abrupt halt just inside the door as she found herself looking across the huge mahogany desk at Liam Richardson. A very angry Liam Richardson.  She could feel the flames in those  blue green eyes.

"For how long are you going to keep standing at the door?" he asked looking clearly irritated.

'For eternity if I could.' she muttered beneath her breath.

"Come in and sit here." he said gesturing to the seat in front of him when she made no visible effort of moving.

'No, I don't want to sit or stand anywhere near you. It feels safer here.'

But nonetheless she entered because her karma was calling for her and she knew it! She took the seat in front of him glad for the distance that mahogany desk created between them.

"So Miss Evangeline Rose-"

"Before you say anything let me apologize first." she interrupted.
"I was very outspoken just now and I guess rude too and -" she broke off as Liam slowly stood up and moved around the desk to stand in front of her. He crossed his arms in front of that hard muscular chest.
'Is he trying to scare me? Well, if that's the case then it's definitely working!'

"And?" he looked down at her.
She could see the dark glitter in his eyes. His pursed lips and a nerve pulsing in his tightly clenched jaw were clearly announcing that Liam Richardson was not very pleased. She gulped.

"Ok. I am sorry. I shouldn't have said all that stuff especially when it was none of my business and I really apologize for poking my nose into your private matters." She tried to smile,"I have almost finished the task I was given. So now I'll go to my cabin, pack my bag and leave. And you will never see me on this floor or in this entire building of course if that's what you want. As I'm very sure you are going to fire me. And don't worry your secret is safe with me. I will never even breathe a word about the relationship between you and Alex." she finished with the bright smile hoping to leave the room alive.

Liam had no idea where this conversation was going to or had gone already. He frowned,''Myself and Alex?"

"Er..yes." Eva was gulped nervously.

He bent a little towards her placing his hands on the armrests of the chair and trapping her in between. He repeated oh so softly,"Relationship between myself and Alex...?"

Just minutes ago he had been interrogated by his grandmother about what he likes in a girl, when was he planning to marry and have kids and when he had dodged answering all those questions she had gone as far as asking if he had an interest in guys!

He was shocked to hear that and angry as well wondering from where his grandmother had gotten those strange ideas about him! He had managed to send her away with Alex and had thought about getting Eva to give his grandmother some company. So that he could think of a way to solve this new problem. But now it seemed he had already gotten his hands at the source from where this all had started.

The stillness and coldness of Liam Richardson's expression told that he was displeased, to say the least. She tried to   think what else could she say to make it alive out of this room. But her mind had gone blank now. She was not even sure what they were talking about a minute ago which made Liam Richardson to get up and come personally towards her.

'Oh yes!' she remembered now. She will keep her mouth shut about the situation between him and Alex. She looked up at Liam and asked in a very low voice,"You and Alex are a couple. Right?"

He arched one of those haughty brow "Would you care to explain exactly what in the world made you think that I, Liam Richardson, am in a relationship with Alex?" 

The chilling expression on his face was clearly saying that her assumption regarding the relationship between him and Alex was incorrect. And if he wasn't going to kill her earlier than he was certainly not going to hesitate now.

"Well... you were never seen with any woman before and you are rich, young, attractive and strikingly handsome that it seemed quite impossible to believe that you never took any woman to your bed. Between the silk bed sheets. So you being...well, it seemed like the only explanation."

Liam wasn't sure what exactly to do with this woman sitting in front of him.
"Did it never occurred to you that it's easy for me to suppress the news I don't want to hear or see. Hmm?"

She looked at him her eyes turning wide  as she finally realised.
"I never really thought of that! So you have taken women to your-"she broke off as she realised what she had said just now. She gasped covering her mouth, "Did I said that out loud?"

"Oh yes, you did."

She shifted her gaze away from his.

He brought his face closer to her ear, his breath fanning her cheek,"Evangeline Rose, you still seem to have doubts regarding my sexuality." With one hand he turned her face to look at him so now they were looking into each others eyes as he continued,"So I guess I better prove it to you personally about how I like it.  With girls, of course."

Her cheeks flushed so red that she could feel it's heat. She was now trembling inside but it wasn't fear but an unknown emotion.  How much she wanted to run away, far far away from him or to at least close her eyes to block his sight but it was impossible. It was as if his eyes had hypnotized she couldn't move. Her brain stopped working and her body paralyzed.

"Since you find me so attractive and strikingly handsome why don't you give it a try. Hmm?"he said in a husky voice. "Let's make out here in my office and you will get a very clear idea about my sexuality. What say, Ms Evangeline Rose?" he asked with a devilish smile.

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What's going to happen next?😏

It began with a kiss (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora