Nineteen| go to hell

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"Unresponsive." Berlin stepped back from Oslo, turning off the light in his hand. "I don't want to be dramatic but, I'm afraid the head wound has cause irreparable damage."

"Are you a fucking neurosurgeon, Berlin?" Lona stepped away from the couch. "He needs to go to the hospital, he could still have a chance."

"No ones leaving, Barcelona."

"This isn't about the heist anymore!" She threw her hands up. "This is life or death!"

"You know what the Professor said." His voice held more than what the rest could decipher.

"The Professor can kiss my ass for all I care!" She scoffed. "Where was he when sixteen hostages escaped? Where was he when Oslo was attacked? Where was he when you tried killing on more than one occasion!"

"We need to open the doors, call the police and let the medics take him." The rest we're surprised that she was so brave, none dared to step up to him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Berlin stepped closer to her. "The rules were perfectly clear. Nobody leaves. We all know that, Oslo knows that!"

"Sixteen hostages escaped!" Tokio backed her up. "The rules have changed."

"The hostages don't know what's going on here, Oslo does."

"Please, these people aren't dumb, I'm sure they're starting to put shit together." Lona crosses her arms.

"So what! He can't even speak, it's not like he could tell the police." Rio spoke from his seat.

In seconds, Berlin was again pulling his gun in Barcelona. "This is not a democracy."

"No. It's fucking not." Lona pulled her out, aiming at his head as she heard Tokio and Rio pull their weapons out. "I don't know who you are, Andrés." She whispered.

His his flickered but he said nothing. "We open those doors, and let them take Oslo."

"No one gets out of here." He cocks his gun. "Berlin!" Tokio hissed.

Barcelona shook her head and cocked her own. "Wanna play Russian roulette?" She smirked.

Helsinki stepped forward, placing his hands on the guns and pushing them down. "Oslo's not leaving."

"Helsinki, he needs help." Lona whispered as he stepped in front of her.

"We talked before we came in here." He looked Barcelona in her eyes. "Better death than jail."

She shook her head. "Oslo theres more options than that, I can-"

"No." He stopped her. "Lona this is what he wants. Do you understand."

"Yes." She whispered. He hugged her tightly. "I'll take care of Oslo." He spoke in her ear, rubbing her back.

Barcelona turned and walked out of the room and Berlin went to follow but Tokio grabbed his arm. "Haven't you done enough?"

Nairobi was explaining how everything was going to go down with their freedom or their money if the chose to stay. Barcelona paid no mind to anything.

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