Eighteen| set fire to the rain

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"Lona." Denver tapped the side of her face, watching it fall to the other side. "Shit." He grabbed his knife and unzipped his jumper, cutting off some of his shirt to hold it to her bleeding temple.

Denver picked her up and ran to their headquarters where most where, placing her on the couch as Nairobi and Tokio looked after her. Stomping to the phone, he pushed the only button that made a call.

"Why didn't you warn us!" Denver yelled as soon as the Professor answered the phone. "Huh? Where the fuck were you!"

Before the Professor could even think of a respond, Helsinki was running into the room. "Help! Man down! Man down!" Denver slammed the phone onto the table, watching the man pull his brother inside. "What happened?"

The Professor was watching through the cameras in shock, he couldn't believe the heist has came to this, This wasn't his plan at all. "Heavy hit, brain damage." The big brute looked at the young man. "Denver, you know who planned the escape, who was it."

"I- I don't know." He mumbled. "Lona was the one with him."

"I can guarantee it was Arturo." Lona scratchy voice was heard, causing everyone to look at her. "The guys that attacked us were listening to Arturo." She muttered.

"Helsinki. Helsinki." Berlin spoke as he took a look at Oslo. "He's in bad shape-"

"No, no." Helsinki spoke firmly.

"He's hurt bad, Helsinki."

"He's not hurt! He just needs medicine and he needs to rest. I'll give him medicine, I'll give it to him." Helsinki held his hands to Berlin, the group watching in sorrow at his denial.

"Why are his eyes open?" Nairobi asked, causing Lona to nudge her lightly.

Helsinki started to list the medicine he'll give his brother to get him to feel better. "And then he'll rest, and tomorrow he'll feel better."

Moscú took a step forward, holding the mans shoulder. "Hey, Helsinki."

"Don't worry, Moscú." Helsinki looked over his shoulder. "Me and Oslo have been through worse." He turned to his poor brother. "We've been through worse." He started to speak in a foreign language, closing his brothers eyes before he broke down and cried on Oslo's chest.

"Oh, Helsinki." Lona whispered sadly, water coming to her eyes.

Lona and Tokio stood at the top of the steps, lona picking out the dried blood from her wig. "Ew." She grimaced as she watched the dried blood fall from in between her fingers.

"You think they know we're screwed?" Tokio asked, not bothering to turn around to look at the hostages that were in line, Rio walking around to collect their trash.

"Most definitely." She nodded, looking to her short haired friend. "We're fucked."

"Gee, thanks for the encouragement." She muttered, reaching over and hitting her arm.

"I asked you a question." The girls turned around and saw a hostage standing.

"Sit back down." Lona slowly walked down the steps.

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