In which I have my first day (4)

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I looked around the classroom and tried to think of the best place to sit. There were students already inside, the first bell already rang five minutes ago.

A guy pushed passed me to enter the class, the pain of him running into my shoulder shook me from my thought just in time to see him sending me a scowl.

I swallowed hard and made my way inside on shaking legs, my hand going to my casted arm as if to protect it from everyone here.

I spotted an empty seat in the middle row, close to the window. I was worried someone had already claimed the seat, so in a quiet voice I asked a boy that sat on a table close to me, "I-is this seat t-taken?"

The guy who was laughing with his friend turned his head to look at me. He only looked at me for a few seconds before a smirk went on his face as he turned back to his friend who sat on a chair in front of him.

"Looks like we have fresh meat," I heard him laugh, his friend joining him.

My hands started to shake. What should I do now?

Should I just sit down and hope for the best?

More looks were sent my way, making me slowly sit down and put my almost empty bag on the floor near my desk. The principal said we were given the books every lesson, so I only had two notebooks and a pencil case

The moment my hand was free, I touched my throat. It was still shaking a lot, and the more stares I got the more it got worse.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice say. At first, I didn't know it was directed to me since my eyes were stuck to the floor.

"Yo, newbie," I jumped in the chair, looking up to see... Wes, I think was his name.

"You're in my seat." He stated, but he didn't look mad. Still, I found myself standing quickly, my knee slamming into the desk in the process. I winced, "I-I'm really s-sorry!" I quickly apologized and bent to grab my bag.

"Nah, it's cool." Wes said, making me look at him in surprise.

He wasn't... mad?

"B-but that's your seat," I told him, mentally cringing. As if he didn't know that.

Wes tilted his head to the side, blond strands falling on his face. "Now it's your seat." Wes said, staring at me as if he waited for something.

His arm suddenly reached out, and before I knew it, he was lightly pushing at my shoulder to sit down.

"O-okay." I mumbled under my breath, but I knew he heard me from the smile on his face.

Wes sat down on behind the table to my right, still grinning at me.

I looked away, realizing a lot more guys were staring at me after our exchange. They were whispering to each other, though I couldn't tell what about.

My cheeks caught a pink tint as I looked at my desk.

"So what's your name, newbie?" Wes asked, catching my attention once again. I met his eyes for a brief moment before looking away.

"I-it's Sam." I answered, peeling off some of the paint on the desk. It looked like it was covering some writing underneath, which made me wonder what was so bad that it had to be covered.

"Sam," Wes called just as the teacher entered the room.

I averted my attention to her as she began the class, handing out the textbooks.

She read attendance, and when she reached my name she didn't comment on the fact that I was new, which was a relief to me.

I mean, it wasn't like everyone didn't already know I was new, but still.

"Hey," Wes called over to me, making me look at him quickly before I turned back to the teacher.

"Sammy," The nickname made me look at him longer, a surprised expression on my face. Aside from mom and Haley, I've never had anyone call me by a nickname.

"Want me to show you around the school?" He asked.

I debated whether I should turn him down, because I didn't feel like talking to people in this school.

Then, I remembered how I needed to look for a club. Maybe Wes could help me out with that.

I nodded slowly. His smiler grew bigger and nodded, too.

"Cool. Give me your timetable for a second," Wes asked, holding out his hand as he waited. I took out the paper from the bag and handed it to him, noticing how his eyes landed for a second on my white cast.

He opened his mouth to whisper something, but the sound of the classroom's door opening cut him off.

"Mr. Saito, how nice of you to finally join us." I looked at the Asian boy who entered the room, his hands in his jeans' pockets.

He also looked very intimidating, with his black hair parting in the middle and falling on his face, the hair on the back of his hair layered. He didn't make an effort to move it from his dark eyes as he quietly made his way through the rows.

I felt myself freeze as he stopped at the empty desk to my left. He was giving me a look before his eyes landed on Wes, raising a brow.

I turned to look at Wes who was giving him a cheeky smile, shrugging. I heard the boy sit down and tried to calm down. There was such a strong aura surrounding him that I couldn't get myself to even glance at him.

Not to mention, he was very good looking. Though with how intimidated I was feeling, it was very easy to skip that detail.

"That's my friend," Wes supplied, nodding his head towards the Asian boy. "His name is Ren. Ren," He turned to his friend, "this is Sammy, he's new." I moved my eyes to stare at my desk and quietly corrected, "I-it's Sam."

Neither commented on it, and for the rest of the class they were both quiet.

When the bell rang, I quickly put my things inside my bag and remembered my timetable was still in Wes's possession.

"C-could I have m-my timetable back?" I asked as I stood, rubbing my neck. Wes grinned at me, holding up the paper.

"Looks like you have P.E next. Come on, I have it too, we can walk together." Wes decided for me, and when he saw I wasn't moving, he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me with him. Wes wasn't much taller than my 5'7 frame, maybe around 5'10.

"You're coming, Ren?" Wes looked over my head and asked. I looked at his friend from the corner of my eye. Now that I was standing, I saw Ren was taller than me by at least four inches taller than me. He was on the lean side, but you could tell he was fit, like Wes.

He didn't reply, but as Wes pulled me with him again, I heard the boy's steps behind us before he started to walk besides Wes.

Wes must've noticed I wasn't comfortable with his arm around me, and after a few moments he dropped it, making me breath in relief.

It wasn't like he was putting a lot of wight on me, or something- I just couldn't handle a stranger touching me.

It was still bizarre Wes talked to me, and I promised myself to be carful around him.

It was hard to imagine anyone wanted to be my friend. 


So I finished this chapter yesterday and decided to upload it today. Next week, I'm gonna work on more chapters and hopefully upload about 3 chapters.

Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to...




And stay healthy!


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