In which I find out I need a club (3)

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I didn't get as much looks as I thought I would, which made me think that either they didn't care, or it was normal for a few students to come back from home after the weekend.

A few guys still stared at me as I walked past them, making me to increase my pace.

Mom said I was supposed to go to the principal's office, and that there were signs to guide me to it. Luckily for me, I managed just fine on my own and reached the office without having to ask anyone where it was. I was worried I'd be a mumbling mess, and before I even realized the whole school will know about it.

Even though mom really wished for it, my goal for the rest of my school years was to become invisible. I tried really hard at my previous school, don't get me wrong- but back then a slip of the tongue of someone who was supposed to be my friend, and not only did the entire school knew I was gay, but I gained three bullies.

Well, other students liked to mess with me besides those three, but it was that group that was the worst.

My broken arm wasn't the first incident. The others weren't as bad, but I'd still come back with bruises.

I shaked my head and took a deep breath, even though it won't help much for nerves. Nothing worse than being in a new place.

I really wished I would become familiar with this school as soon as possible.

I entered a room where a secretary sat behind a desk. When she saw me, she made a movement with her hand to wait, and then she stood and walked to a door at the other side of the room.

After a few seconds, she came back, saying "You can go in, the principal is expecting you."

I nodded and mumble "Thank you" under my breath, though it was so quiet I doubted she heard.

I knocked once before entering, looking at the woman sitting in a leather chair behind a desk.

She smiled at me, showing two dimples on her face, then told me to come in and sit in front her. 

I quietly did as I was told, waiting for her to start and talk.

"It'll take just a moment," The principal told me, and I nodded. I took the time to examine her dark hair, tied in a bun on top of her head. She had hazel eyes, her lashes black from mascara. I knew a bit about make up because Haley used to go on and on about it to me. I wasn't sure why, but she also liked watching beauty types videos. I didn't object, mostly because I liked hanging out with her and partly because I had a hard time standing up for myself- even to my own sister, who I considered to be my best friend.

When I finished looking at the principal's face, I moved to examine the room. I didn't get to look much, since she finally turned to me.

"Sorry about that. So, Sam, was it?" I nodded, playing with my hands in my lap.

"I just wanted to introduce myself to you and explain a few things about our school. In case you didn't know, my name is Ava Thompson. I've been the principal of this school for ten years, and-..." From that point she went on about a bit of the history of the school, to talk about my classes and dorms, and a few of the rules here.

There wasn't a school uniform, but students were expected to not "dress as if they were going to a bar", as were her words. Ms. Thompson, as she mentioned since she wasn't married, seemed like she was nice but strict. I knew I wasn't going to break any rules, so I'll probably be fine.

"And last but not least, here in our school we have clubs. Every student is required to join one, and we have club hour every day that we expect students to attend." I felt myself freeze from her words.

"C-club?" I managed to say, my right hand moving to touch my throat. It was a habit of when I was nervous or anxious.

"Yes, a club. Typically, in every club there are about ten students. There are many kinds of club so I'm sure you'll find the right one for you, and in three days I'll expect from you to already be in one. I hope I made myself clear on that subject." Ms. Thompson explained.

I wanted to tell her that I didn't want to join a club, and that three days was to soon to expect me to be familiar with people and join their club.

I could feel the panic in my stomach, waiting to come out as I swallowed hard and nodded.

She dismissed me, and I tried not to exit her office too fast so it wouldn't look like I was running, even though that's what I was doing.

I wanted to lock myself in my room and call mom, tell her to turn around and take me back home. This was way more socializing than I initially thought. And mom definitely didn't say a word about the clubs. Either she didn't know, or she knew how I'll react and opted to say nothing instead.

On my way out, I passed through the secretary to take my timetable and key to my room.

Really, all I wanted was to stay there all day, but I had a class in an hour.

I walked out fast, as if I was worried that any second the principal will exit her room and tell me something worse she forgot to mention.

In my haste, I ran into someone. I righted myself as they cursed loudly, looking at me with an angry expression on their face.

"Can you not see where you're going?" The boy said in a deep voice, scowling at me. I didn't even get to examine him as I immediately dropped my gaze from the floor.

"I-I'm really s-sorry," I mumbled quietly. I heard him scoff, but still couldn't look at him.

I heard steps from the hallways before some said, "Oi Kyle, are you bothering someone again?" I looked at the guy as he made a stop near the other boy. He wasn't looking at me, so I let myself look from his dark, wavy blond hair to his grey eyes. He had a sharp jaw, but soft looking face. He had freckles on his nose and a bit on his cheeks, splattering on the white skin of his face.

The boy, Kyle, scoffed again, glaring at the other guy. "Whatever, Galvin," He mumbled before passing by me, running into and making me stumble.

I saw the other guy rolling eyes, looking at me.

"A newbie, huh? Sorry 'bout that, guy's a dick. Name's Wes, by the way." Wes said, rubbing at his nose. "Well, I don't know how long you've been here and if anyone had already told you, but I suggest you find yourself a club as soon as possible."

I gave him a confused look. "B-because of the principal and the r-rules?" I asked. Wes, to my surprise, smiled, shaking his head as he put his hands in his pockets. "No, because in this school clubs mean more than that. If you don't have a club then that means you're alone. Trust me, the last thing you want to be is alone in here." Wes explained. My hand came to my throat again as I let his words sink in.

Would they... hurt me if I don't join a club as soon as possible?

There was a look on his face that I couldn't understand, but it was there for a brief moment before it was gone.

"Well, good luck then," Wes said, giving me one last look before walking away.

I had to find a club, it would seem.

And I had to do it fast.


I'm gonna try and write as much as I can and maybe I'll upload another chapter tomorrow. 

Don't forget to...




And stay healthy!


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