Chapter 59

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Tanvi's P.O.V.

It has been a day, or a week or a month. God only knows. But I know one thing for sure, that every second I spend here is like a year for me. After the bomb he dropped, I started laughing on his face and he was so pissed, he slapped me right across the face and told his minions to take care of me.

By taking care I'm sure he wouldn't have meant using me as their punching bag because that's exactly what they have been doing since then. The two men take chances as they punch me and kick me.

"Well, well well, seems like my favourite human is awake", the cause my my pain said with a sinister smile.

"Enjoying the warm welcome these people have been giving you?"

"I wouldn't call it a welcome"

"The money hasn't been transferred yet bitch", he said as he struck me across the face.

"What the fuck do I do, you dumb bitch!", I spat out the blood on his shoes.

He flicked his fingers and I heard some commotion and realised that one of his minion has got a tripod stand with a video camera attached to it.

"Maybe, I'll use technique no. 2", he said as he started the recording and did some action and suddenly my wrists were untied and I was forced to stand on my legs but could barely stand properly and then they started using me as a punching bag once again.

After doing enough make-up for me, that man, held me by my hair, pulling on the roots and pulled me near the camera.

"Do you see this, yeah, that's your wife, if you want to see her alive, send the money as soon as possible", he said and then let go of me as I fell down.

Arjun's P.O.V.

Two days. It's been two days and we still haven't gotten any clue. When we traced the number plate that was in the camera, we found out that it was a temporary number plate and that they had changed it while they moved ahead. Meaning we had no clue where they had taken her.

My phone pinged and I glared at it. Why did I even bother getting it repaired. It was a message from an unknown number. More like a video. What the actual hell!

As I downloaded the video, the guys gathered around me as we watched the video.

It was a video of them abusing my wife. My eyes blurred as I watched them beat the living shit out of her. I started crying as I saw the video. And then my office door slammed open and in walked my mother-in-law along with my father-in-law.

"It's about time I told you something"

"What do you mean?", Sanjay asked.

"It means that we know who kidnapped her"

"And you're telling us today? After two days?", I asked in an angry tone. Why the fuck are these her parents.

"We got a call from him today, once again, he threatened me and sent me the same video that you were sent, I've had enough", her mom said as her eyes glistened with tears.

"Sit down all of you", mom said as she wiped her eyes and then sighed out.

"It all started when I was 21, I was already engaged to your father Sanjay, and we were about to get married after we graduated, there was this guy in my college who was obsessed with me, even though I had rejected him quite a few times, he didn't seem to get a hint, to add fuel to this problem, my sister loved that stalker. Just how she managed to fall for that asshole, God only knows!

"One day, it seemed he had had enough, he kidnapped me, held me as a hostage for two days and then when I still didn't agree to his proposal, he raped me", mom said as she started crying and my father-in-law hugged her.

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