Chapter 12

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"Yeah, I've got chicken pox", I said. I then turn to look at Sonia and notice that she has tears in her eyes.

"Sonia, don't worry, she's like my daughter, I'll take good care of her. Don't worry", I reassured her. Sonia is finally taken to her room. I've even warned the men to not enter the room because they could get it too.

I still remember the time when I had got it. It was in class 8. I was isolated because of the contagiousness. I still have one mark in my face. It's near my lip. It's almost non-existent. But upon looking closely, the small spot was clearly visible.

The doctor just came and visited Natasha. She's a little cranky but nothing I can't handle. I know how it feels. It's either pricking pain in one side of your body or it'll start itching on the other side of your body. It irritates you.

I've heard neem or Indian lilac helps sooth the itching. So I've covered the bed with neem and Natasha is sleeping in that. Even if I hadn't even got chicken pox I would have still risked my health for her. She too precious.

Currently, she's sleeping while I sit on the sofa beside the bed and play around with my phone.


Arjun's P.O.V.


That's what I adore about her.

The way she puts others before her.

It's been a week since Natasha got chicken pox. It's healing now. But we still have to be away for a week. The only way I can communicate is through video call. Being in the same house as hers, I still have to video call her. Sonia is still a little on the edge that her daughter is without a mother. But whenever she speak to her daughter I can see how relieved she is.

Natasha always talks about how Anvi has been helping her and how she takes care of her. Sonia has been telling me how lucky I am to have a wife like Anvi. I think I know how lucky I am though. Everytime, I call her I can see how exhausted she is. I haven't seen her for a week now because all the essential things are given to her in Natasha's room.

Many a times, when we're talking she doses off only to wake up to the sound of Natasha's crying. Poor girl.

Over the calls, Anvi has also managed to forgive me. God knows why she did forgive me after all I've been an asshole to her, but I'm happy she did.


It's been two weeks and Natasha is finally fully cured. Today, we could actually meet them. I could too if only I hadn't been called for the stupid meeting with one of the investors from London. He said he couldn't postpone the meeting.

Screw this investor.

After the meeting was over and after I had finished my work I was planning to go home. I can't wait to see her.

God! I sound like a teenage girl having a crush.

"Give, I'll help you", I hear her say when I enter the living room. I see my father is sitting on the sofa trying to put a bandage on his ankle. He hurt himself yesterday. It's was bleeding a lot. He is really very clumsy. With a sigh my dad gives the first-aid kit to Tanvi.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're stubborn?", He says with a genuine smile on his face.

"Yeah, and dad, if my stubbornness lets me help you then I'll be stubborn all the time", she said while working on the dressing.

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