3: happy birthday, tsuma kazue

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a/n - side note: I love fluff :)
(also this chapter is surprisingly long)

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter three
happy birthday, tsuma kazue

(y/n) allowed Zenitsu to open the wooden box for her. The box was sealed with white fabric, so it took time for the boy to untie the knot before cracking his fingers for the actual box. It had two metal latches on one side, and since they were quite heavy to lift up, it took him some more time to get these latches solved.

The box finally opened, and it gave off a creaking sound as the lid bent over. The boy looked into the contents of the box, until facing (y/n) herself.

Zenitsu sneaked a smile while giving (y/n) her time to see what's inside,
"Go on, Kazue-chan. I think you should find out for yourself!"

(y/n) brought out a haori robe that had wisteria flowers imprinted on it. It was a delicate gradient of magenta to purple colors. The wisteria prints themselves seemed glossy because they reflected every time the robe gets closer to any source of light.

The stems of the wisterias curled into a coiling pattern. (y/n) noticed that her grandfather's signature triangles were also embedded on the haori.. as petals, to give off an abstract effect. There was even a white ribbon sewed onto the robe for (y/n) to tie around her neck, so the haori wouldn't fall of when she was in the heat of battle.

She gave it a try as she dipped her arms into the silky sleeves of the robe. It smelled faintly of two things: the scent of wisterias, obviously, and also the scent of familiar udon that his grandfather used to make for her after training. The texture was super soft, and it wasn't too tight for her.

"So, what do you think?" asked (y/n), standing up to give her new robe a twirl, "For me, I think it looks nice!"

"I think it's adorable for you," Zenitsu answered her question, his cheeks turning to a light, pinkish color.

Zenitsu was a thesaurus; he had a thousand words to express how gorgeous, how elegant, and how magnificent (y/n) looked in that fresh robe of hers. The way the purple hues blended with her sweet composture of her movements had made his jaw drop in admiration. For him, she looked absolutely perfect in purple.

(y/n) truly was his fairy goddess. The sleeves of her haori acted like wings Zenitsu daydreamed of falling into its grasp. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair was tossed in the air as the girl made small, cutsey hops around the room. No matter how many times she had jumped, or how many times her hair bounced.. it remained still as if nothing had ever ruined it.

Zenitsu leaned in to look into the box again, seeing that there was something else inside the box that (y/n) hadn't noticed yet. It was a handwritten letter that had a wisteria-like hair clip attached to it.

"Kazue-chan, you forgot a little something from the box," Zenitsu said, calling (y/n)'s attention.

"What is it, Zenitsu?"

"Take a random guess," he smiled as (y/n) walked back to the box to see what else was inside it.

She held the letter and knew that it was written by her beloved grandfather himself; of course, she recognized his weird penmanship. She also noticed the wisteria hair clip. It wasn't exactly a real wisteria, but the way the yarn strings loomed made it look like an actual one.

"Umm.." Zenitsu hummed, fidgeting his hands in awkwardness.

"Yes, what is it?" (y/n) stopped to look back at the blonde-haired boy.

electrifying | zenitsu x reader | kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now